How was your ride today?

What’s the length of your cranks? Shorter cranks, and of course sensible gear ratios, could help with your knees.

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How many bikes do you have @ericinformosa ? I’ve counted at least 3 different ones in your last posts this week!!! :thinking:

Yeah, crazy, isn’t it?
But it started with just one, I promise … :joy:

Maybe I should just make a N+1 thread on each of them, although I think most are not of much interest for some of you here …

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Not been out for a week minor chest problem, today I decide on a test ride, not to far not to high,very nice it was too.


“Show us your bikes” thread!

I’ve got six bikes, I duno why, some need getting rid of.


A nice easy tempo ride today. Basically a marathon in world record time.

42.2 km in 2:00:45.

Beautiful sunny day, light westerly wind, lots of traffic. Ride time was pretty much the same as my usual drive to the marina. About an hour each way.

That new bike is so easy to ride and still comfortable after two hours in the saddle


How’s the bike, the paint, and the Di2 holding?

I recall doing some of that route during the Tour de Okinawa a few years back. That road next to the ocean is pretty amazing.


After posting last week about the bike caught in the drain in WanLi one of our group reported it on the Saturday , it was inspected on the Monday and they got a reply on Tuesday with these photos. As rubbish as the situation was - I have no info on the rider I must say I am impressed at the speed of the changes to the road.


Paint no hardened off well, few chips before it did - took 10-12 weeks to harden fully.
Di2 fantastic, worthwhile purchase I ummed and arhhed about.
Had a problem front derailleur moving UP on its own to vibration, now affixed very tight.

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With elections coming up, it’s in the interest of the local elective to act quick on these requests.

We’d hope they’d be proactive and identify other drains with the same design and schedule to replace them.

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That’s awesome, I’m very happy to see the local government or authorities took action so promptly.

Double bird route. Boredom sometimes gets me making Strava routes that I’ll never ride. But finally did this one. Enjoyable weather early in the morning, but around 10am it started to feel like summer weather.


That’s a pretty decent time for that ride.

Maybe I’m just getting old and slow.

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With last weekend being rainy and 2 days off I gave a strong effort this time. Also on two of the descents I got lucky and had no traffic ahead of me so that kept the pace pretty high.

It’s a certain kind of hell being on a descent with a slow car and no safe place to pass :sweat_smile:


Did a quick Taipei riverside down and up with a friend this morning, maybe the last of the hot days of 2022. I will miss them.
He just sent me a pic, my Avatar still alive after 25 yrs … :joy:


Recently riding through Chaiyi county small rice fields and small roads.Stopped at a small town convenience store for a drink and a rest.

I’m talking about just going in the direction and following whatever big road small road gravel road dirt road Dirt path.

Old man comes over and asked me why I have a big piece of bamboo sticking out of the back of my bike.

It’s obvious.

Spoiler: I told him WANG WANG I’m scared of DOGS

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23.9 AVG!!! 125.85KM I pale in envy.

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Riding in the rain I actually enjoy. Faster climbing lots of PR’s :grinning:
