How was your ride today?

I think this is the second time you link that… right? I recall reading some of them years ago.

They never go out of date, mate. And sometimes people need reminding…

Just like riding never gets easier, you just go faster.

True story

I have pretty solid evidences of the contrary. :smiley:

I ran over a bird today. It was one of those freak things where it must have been so focused and dove for something right as I rolled over whatever it was. Am I going to some sort of Inferno for this?

Unfortunate, but just feel lucky you’re ok. I’ve wiped out running over smaller things.

SW from town, loop around Liyu Lake, then back up through Shoufeng and across the Mu Gua river. First rain-free day in about a week - nice to be out and about on 2 wheels, unlocked.

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Nice story

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Any pictures? I know all those places. What is the ride from “town” to Liyu Lake like (I assume you mean starting from Hualien City)?

no pics, just riding. There are some nice country routes out from the city to the back of the prison, but then you’re forced onto the main road along the north of the Mu Gua.

Fast curves, danger of rock-fall. But it’s not a long stretch.

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So who two were riding up the #101 from Danshui while I came down this morning?

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Been there…it sucked cleaning the features and crap off when I got home.

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Work has boggled me down and I haven’t gone out for a long ride in awhile.

Hope you guys are getting out in this gorgeous Taipei weather.

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Went out for a ride yesterday in the nice weather. Also learned a new word.



Quick lunch ride up the backside of Monkey Mountain in Maokong (up behind the zoo). Sun peaking out, a bit breezy… finally feels like spring.


beauty bike.

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Road bicycle recommendations

I went up YMS twice this week.
Tuesday’s ride up from Danshui, down to Beitou.
Today’s ride up from Danshui, down to Jinshan, back along the coast.
Both absolute beautiful rides, and never saw so many monkeys in YMS.


The rare two lunch rides in one week achievement… can just make out 101 through the haze and foliage…