How was your ride today?

Fixed my front wheel on the track bike after breaking that spoke the other day. Went for a nice slow couple of hours just to get out of the house. Super windy today, so coming home into the wind was fun. So much nicer to ride in traffic with a front brake! (Yes, I still have the original correct fork so nobody was harmed adding the brake to this lovely 1982 San Rensho Katana!)


Edited to fix the upside-down-ness.

Ooh. Why are they upside down? I’m in Japan, not Australia.


I would quote the rules, but I don’t think there’s anything about posting pictures in forums up right.


What are the rules for stupid pictures?

I was trying to be artistic. Didn’t quite work.


Quite artistic. I’d call it “pedals on petals.”


Nice flowers, but the first impression I got from the staging of the photo was that they were slippery and caused you to crash… probably not your intention!


I’m actually quite surprised by how those flower petals aren’t that slippery. I’m still careful, though.

I seriously didn’t even see the bike at first glance.

I knew it was int here though.

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Today my ride was on this … interesting so to say …

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I know how you feel.

Had to resort to online group rides.


No traffic on riverside but I regularly see a Taiwanese cyclist using a track bike NO brakes along Tamsui riverside, no shirt, tiny shorts, sports shoes.
I decided on one occasion to use him as a windbreaker slipstream on very windy day, my god the guys a nutter. One point he’s hitting 42kph on a busy afternoon, I gave up! how he’s not hit and killed someone I don’t know.

Yup, fixie riders can be crazy. If I was just riding on the flat I also would not use a brake but I commute with some hills and the brake makes a huge difference.

I’m not that crazy but I also like to go fast. He’s probably able to do skid stops, where you lift the back wheel a little and stop it, then careen down the road with a locked up rear. That’s no fun if you get it wrong.

All I can say his reactions are far faster then mine., I’m guessing also yours.
Speed is Joy I was a downhiller.

My 2010 bike.
I’m a bit older now. :face_with_head_bandage:

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Little bit ambitious today, decide to cycle to Keelung Bay from YongHe using Xindian, Damshui and Keelung rivers cycle paths.
Was thwarted by cycle path stopping approx 20k from Keelung, however a path was in construction so may try again in a months time.


Sunday afternoon was a strange one. When I arrived the entrance of the Maokong trail, the sky rumbled like mad as a powerful afternoon thunderstorm was to be expected. But as I rode the trail, the sky cleared up and the path dried up. Had three minor crashes. One crash was from a failure attempt clearing a log. I semi-fell off the slope so my upper torso was below the trail and doing upside-down rock-climbing to safety. No injuries.


Chicks dig scars.

The designated bike path ends after the bike/pedestrian tunnel, after which the path gets chopped up and you can’t ride it continuously without getting on the road. If you just want to get to Keelung, I would just ride on the road after the tunnel, seeing that the river really starts to meander after Wudu. Of course, if you want to trace the river, that’s a different story. You’ll get a good workout riding the meandering scenic path.

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I see still lots of construction on the last part, so I presume Keelung will be possible in a while, surely not yet.
Decided for a short ride today, but ended up in Keelung :hushed:
Now on the way back, pretty hot, but absolutely gorgeous out here.


I took advantage of the cool weather in the mtns a few days ago to explore the mountains. At the tip top near Meng Huan Hu, Dream Lake, 22 degrees and a nice breeze. Love night rides into YMS with minimal traffic.


3 River Ride.

Not been back in the saddle for 20 days was told to rest, I was overdoing it, so taking a easier pace less distance for a while.

Looking for Mountain ride tips I’m based in Yonghe, close to Dingxi MRT.
Easiest to get to mountain rides so far is Xindian still 8km for me to ride there but no way of doing a circle I can find.
Max distance for now 60 - 80km


No need to go to Xindian. The graveyard is closer. From Gongguan take Keelung Rd to Heping E. Rd. traffic circle. Take Chongde St. at the circle (the street immediately north of Heping) and follow it all the way up into the graveyard. The grade (no more than 6%) is easily manageable. You’ll climb about 180 meters before reaching the top. At the fork at the top, take the road on your right. It’ll take you down to the zoo. Follow the riverside bike path back to Gongguan. A good entry level “mountain” ride.

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