Hello! Cool Hsinchu folks, please come out and join us for CAPT’s Monthly Happy Hour event in Hsinchu on Wednesday, April 18, 2007. We will meet, chat, and mingle. If you are hungry, you can order delicious pizza or pasta.
Please bring your friends and colleagues. Let’s expand the Hsinchu CAPT network! Rock Hsinchu and have fun!
Venue: Delicacy Pasta&Pizza at新竹市東區建功一路97號(No.97, Jiangong 1st Rd., East District, Hsinchu)
Time: 7:00pm ~ 9:30pm
Cost: Per your food & drink order (range from NT$200 to NT$600)
Website: 035748000.travel-web.com.tw/
CAPT is an active community devoted to fostering relationships between
English-speaking professionals from cross-cultural backgrounds living in Taiwan. CAPT provides an environment for members to cultivate various interests while helping each other to grow personally and professionally.