Huge delay receiving Forumosa notifications

Over the last couple of days I’ve been getting the ‘new topic reply’ notifications from Forumosa up to 24 hours after they were sent (as shown on the Date: header and the time of the ‘new’ reply it is notifying me about). My email is hosted on Google Mail and my other email is not being similarly delayed. Is the mail queue on Forumosa’s server stuffed up?

This problem may also be related to this problem of phantom PM notifications if they were delayed instead of spurious:

I also noticed a delay on the “New PM Received” email the other day…
It came about a day after the PM.

Thanks jlick, we’ve been noticing the same thing. We’re investigating.

We think we’ve isolated the problem to an unsecure web form used on another website on our server. By “unsecured”, I mean that it was vulnerable to - and quickly exploited by - spam attacks (aka “Contact Us Spam”). It took us a couple of days to recognize the problem - partly because, well, it was taking 24 hours to get our mail delivered

We disabled the exposed contact form last Tuesday, but did not connect that as the source of the server performance problem till early this morning. There were still over 2,000 spam messages queued for delivery earlier today.

Let’s see how things pan out over the next day or so. Please keep reporting problems and delays over here :notworthy:

Notifications this afternoon are coming in in real time now. Thanks.

Cheers - and thanks really goes to Malc, who started asking the right questions. Me? I just thought things were quiet this week :blush: