Remember Republican Congressman Mark Foley, of Florida, who served as Chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, but spent his free time sending dirty emails to teenage interns and trying to seduce them? link
Remember Republican Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia, who sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, saying “The flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit,” when it turned out he was married three times, paid for his second wife’s abortion, failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives and while married to his third wife was photographed licking whipped cream off of strippers at his inaugural party. link
Remember when Attorney General Gonzales was accused of failing to prosecute officers of the Texas Youth Commission after an investigation documented that guards were sexually abusing the institution’s teenage inmates? link
Remember when it was revealed that VP Cheney’s former top aide and now convicted criminal, Lewis Libby, had published a book featuring pedophilia and bestiality? link
And remember when the Bush administration issued press credentials to and allowed a gay porn-star prostitute with no journalistic experience to pose as a White House correspondent? link
Well, just this past week, Republican Senator David Vitter, of Louisiana, made news for apparently screwing high-priced hookers. link
[quote][Vitter] has apologized for “a very serious sin in my past” after his phone number was linked to an alleged Washington prostitution ring. . .
he did not provide details about the exact nature of his “sin”, saying he wanted it to remain private out of respect for his family.
“This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible,” Vitter said. “Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling.”[/quote]
And Florida Republican state lawmaker and family man Bob Allen, sponsor of a failed bill that would have tightened the state’s prohibition on public sex, has been charged with offering to perform oral sex for $20 on an undercover male police officer. link
[quote]“It just seems sad and tragic,” Gov. Charlie Crist said Thursday when asked in Miami about Allen’s arrest.
Veteran’s Memorial Park was under surveillance when Allen was seen coming in and out of a restroom three times, said police Lt. Todd Hutchinson. Allen, 48, then approached an undercover officer and was arrested.
He has been charged with solicitation for prostitution, which has a maximum penalty of one year in jail. Brevard County jail officials said Allen posted a $500 bond.
While being transported to jail, Allen told WFTV Channel 9 that the situation was “a very big misunderstanding.”[/quote]
What’s with the Republican party? Why so much closeted perversion and hypocrisy? Are they no better than the Catholic church?