I always knew it - Wealthy Taiwanese hide their money

All this wealth must be coming from returns abroad. There’s no way with the slow pace the economy is growing the number of rich people keeps increasing at this rate.

You take that yourself?

He doesn’t look particularly comfortable about it: maybe just for show?

No. Actually, I think I first saw that pic posted here a couple years ago.

Taiwan is a awesome place to grow your wealth, at least the first million or so.

Taxes are fairly low(or easy to plan) and living expenses are peanuts. Say you are fairly high up and making a million a month, you could easily save after taxes 700k, so after a few years you are on your way to becoming a usd millionaire.

Reaching 30mil usd(as the article talks about), that then again might be a bit tricky, but doable if you are patient

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If you made 2 million a month you could get there in less than half the time, 4 million a month, how quickly you’d get there! The possibilities are endless!


And setting up a scam and running could make you a billion or 2!

I heard somewhere that Taiwan used to be very dangerous and kidnapping happened a lot. This is why kidnapping is a capital offense in Taiwan. Anyways it seems to not draw attention a lot of very wealthy Taiwanese they avoid flaunting their wealth by making them look poor. Or maybe they want to feel as though they are still connected to the people?

Exactly, in Europe the taxes would eat half of more of your income so it would be much harder, not to mention taxes on capital gains which are largely tax free here

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There’s no way wealth can be growing like that when incomes aren’t.

Unless the money is coming from the securities market or real estate. In that case, the wealth is coming at the expense of other Taiwanese. Do you see Taiwanese going homeless in the streets en masse?

Something’s got to give.

Not sure what you mean, there are multiple high up positions out there where you can make pretty decent salary income. That salary income you can then invest, and before you know it you are rich :slight_smile:

Can’t find the article now, but there was in the paper not that long ago an article how much your remuneration was for sitting on a publicly listed companies board and i remember it was quite significant. Those guys usually have lower remuneration than management, and i would be surprised if that was way different in taiwan

Quick edit, so here is one article about tw income https://www.businessinsider.com/htc-execs-take-huge-pay-cut-2013-6

So, im pretty sure most larger corporations have similar packages.

And how many qualify for that?

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I’m up there in the top per cent salary earners in Taiwan and I ain’t rich. That will tell you how many are pulling in big salaries.

Times have changed. The rich kids parents :wink:
Film from 1960 Taipei. Children’s Day

Not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s close to the 1800 who are mentioned in the article of having over 30mil usd

Just saying, not that surprised there are so many wealthy individuals in tw

People pay hardly any tax in Taiwan , it’s a wonder stuff actually works as well as it does .

Now we know why buildings in Taiwan all look dumpy.

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Buildings look dumpy because there’s too much issue with ownership. When a building has multiple owners it’s hard to get everyone to agree on who’s going to power wash the buildings.

Also laws here aren’t really followed. It’s impractical to as well… Perhaps when the fabled urban renewal comes maybe laws are better enforced.

Build and never maintain!

In the US there’s this thing called a condo association.