I don't understand this Soong character

Really I don’t understand this guy … why is he running as an ‘independent’ candidate? What does it matter? He could run as PFP … He’s the PFP chairman … so, what is he doing? Is he just there trying to destabilize Taiwan and Taipei politics?

if he wins he doesn’t have to share with anybody?

no idea, he just wakes me up in the mornings with his electioneering. (his office is next door). bastard.

He got more than 50,000 votes for Taipei mayor. He’s not an absolutely nobody like some of these candidates who got about 3,000 votes. But not close to half a million votes like each of the big two, Hu and Hsieh. Anyone for another Lien Soong 2008?

Apparently in his brief speech earlier tonight, following his embarrassing showing, he said he wants to be a ‘regular person’ again and is leaving politics. We’ll see.

he was leaving Taiwan politics, we have to see if he was leaving either ROC politics or PRC politics…

50,000 votes is nothing. It’s in fact an embarrassment. This guy will end his political career as a China stooge and a perennial loser - that is what he’ll be remembered for. But I won’t be surprised if he turns around and says “because my partymates begged me to stay on I cannot fail them” and runs for President. This loon reminds me of Gollum with his lust for power. In fact I won’t be surprised if he stages an assasination attempt or similar stunts in order to garner sympathy votes.

I like how he just left his political party in the lurch like so much used toilet paper. “I’m unhappy, so I’m gonna do the right thing (for myself) and retire from politics effective immediately. You guys do whatever you have to. Thanks for risking your careers and all, but I’m tired now.”

The least he could have done is announced a date in the spring and promise to help guide a transition for his, ahem, POLITICAL PARTY. But I guess he takes such things lightly.

BTW, can anyone tell me just what it was the PFP stood for anyway? Was its only distinction from the KMT an urge to expose the corruption within that party? Was there any other difference in policy? Or was there even that? My girlfriend says it is simply a candidates popularity passes for grounds to start a political party here. Can that be?

I just saw on FTV News that the number two guy in the PFP dropped a bombshell by saying he will help salvage the transition (and the KMT really need the PFP to not simply disband because that would hand a majority to the pan-greens) only if the KMT agrees to advance the ill-gotten KMT assets bill. I forget his name, but he is ex-DPP, disgruntled because Chen edged him out of the limelight.

Just when you think Taiwan politics is gonna stop being interesting for a while…

BTW, can anyone tell me just what it was the PFP stood for anyway?

I just saw on FTV News that the number two guy in the PFP dropped a bombshell by saying he will help salvage the transition (and the KMT really need the PFP to not simply disband because that would hand a majority to the pan-greens) only if the KMT agrees to advance the ill-gotten KMT assets bill. I forget his name, but he is ex-DPP, disgruntled because Chen edged him out of the limelight.

Just when you think Taiwan politics is gonna stop being interesting for a while…[/quote]

That is what the PFP stood for. Blackmail. Since that Soong character cannot get what he wants from the KMT, he formed his own “political party” and uses it to blackmail the KMT into giving him some respect. PFP: Politicians First Party.


What he did do is make himself very vulnerable to getting skewered for all his misdeeds. He’s revealed all his cards and he’s only holding duces and 400 million USD. Let’s just take the 400 mill back off the fucker.

only the 400 Mill from him, or the billions that all of his type stole from the ROC coffers?