i know all the reasons why people here don’t always tell the truth.i can understand when people come up with an excuse but i can’t take people shifting blame to me when they need out of something.
i KNOW my schedual. today i got a call at 4:30 asking where i was. i said “you told me 5:30” she said “no, i said 4:30 because X has a student coming at 6:30 so he has to study with you at 4:30.”
the whole thing was X’s student suddenly called him to come at 6;30 and X was schedualed to study under me (i teach teachers) at 6:30. he needed to make money but was ashamed to ditch his teacher. so they made up this excuse where i missed the class at 4:30 when actually X was cutting class (which he has a right to do)at 6:30.
it’s totally fucked up to blame me. and this is not the first time people here have lied to me like that.
also as far as music students go: i prefer NOT to teach taiwanese. they aren’t worthy students. for all their talk about lao shr this and that, they have no loyalty and will just milk you for info. once they’ve got that info, they think “oh wouh dz ji keh i lian” and they don’t need you anymore. or they’ll go write a textbook with the info you gave them. i totally fucking give up on Taiwanese. hate to say it.Satan can have them, like he doesn’t already. i wash my hands of them.
Just lies about schedules? Wait till you get lies about taxes, saleries, job expectations, traffic accidents…or just plain annoyances.
There’s a thing here… never appologize. Never admit wrong. Or if you must, say Bu hao isa, which means it’s just unfortunate that something happened. .
I’ve forced some people to appolgize and they do then they say “are you happy?” I say… yes.
Don’t earn many friends though.
One of the lies I don’t understand here is when a doctor tells you the worst possible outcome first so you shit yourself that you are dying of something either really nasty or obscure. Then, when you don’t die, and you only have a slight infection or something, the doctor looks good because he told you what it COULD be… not what it is…
Damn different culture being not what I expect… grrrrr!
[quote=“Funk500”]One of the lies I don’t understand here is when a doctor tells you the worst possible outcome first so you shit yourself that you are dying of something either really nasty or obscure. Then, when you don’t die, and you only have a slight infection or something, the doctor looks good because he told you what it COULD be… not what it is…
Damn different culture being not what I expect… grrrrr![/quote]
Yes. I’ve been given some horrible diseases here just to find out it was just something minor and every day. Bastards!
One of the expressions I hear, with alarming frequency, translates in to english as …“Thats not my baby.”
It is used to shift, dodge, deflect, put-off responsibility for answering questions, providing information, helping in any manner, telling me who I should be dealing with, telling me who would pay me for my services, shouldering any responsibility what-so-ever for anything beyond sleeping while working , etc.
I’ve heard it so much I even use it, occasionally, with my wife…she is not amused. (But the youngster thinks it funny as can be to hear me say it and watch her reaction…)
where i’m from, lying will get you a bad name and excluded from people wanting to trade with you.
we ran a grocery store and a hamburger shop for many years. i NEVER heard my family talk about getting people for all they can and shit like that. that’s why i have ZERO sympathy for business people here.
my family stayed in business for 40 years without cheating anybody OR opening on Sunday. why can’t people here do that?
[quote=“TainanCowboy”]One of the expressions I hear, with alarming frequency, translates in to english as …“Thats not my baby.”
It is used to shift, dodge, deflect, put-off responsibility for answering questions, providing information, helping in any manner, telling me who I should be dealing with, telling me who would pay me for my services, shouldering any responsibility what-so-ever for anything beyond sleeping while working , etc.
I’ve heard it so much I even use it, occasionally, with my wife…she is not amused. (But the youngster thinks it funny as can be to hear me say it and watch her reaction…)[/quote]
You mean you haven’t heard that in English before?