I have to stop bashing canaduh

Trust me. I know beer. They had nothing stocked but shit. Blame bu blame. I calls it like I sees it.

The rum works though. Banana dance guy emojeri.

Btw— ha. Look at you all defensive and nationalistic over beer. :laughing:

The irony of an American saying he can only find shit beer like Coors in Canada. Not enough Budweiser for you? :joy:

I just don’t know that you know how to look, and am trying to be helpful

I should have taken a picture. The beer cooler was near empty, but near empty of a Walmart beer stock.

Deal with it. Lol

Ok, so the commercial for shaving woman’s pubic hair is wildly erotic and directed. Jesus

Go west? loads of good beer. My rule is that if you can see through it, monkey piss.

I am only somewhat familiar with BC breweries. But ask for Granville island brewery or Vancouver island brewery. I would think the east would carry them. Herman’s and Winter ale are my go to once I step off the plan.

Yes, he said they have American beers in stock

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Indeed. Coors, Budweiser, canadian and other american piss has nothing on wild cat, lucky and colt 45 level of atrocious.

Never having been to eastern Canada, ot is hard to say. But canada has some beyond fucking amazing beers. Like, top notch. And alcohol always being fairly expensive there you can get great craft bears for a few cdn dollars more per pack than the shit beers like lucky.


I did a road trip from Michigan to Washington, the first place we stopped I asked what beers they had

“We got normal beer. Bud. Bud light…” There were a few good beers in the restaurants on the way but mostly Budweiser.

Moosehead is ok, lots of things along those lines. I drank the Granville Island Pale Ale a lot, more of a dark beer than an IPA. I used to Drink Keiths, marketed as an IPA before that was cool, more of a lager. Kokanee and Labatt 50 I also used to drink, but it’s been a minute

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kokanee was my go to puke by half time beer. I liked the mountains on the can when I was a boy.

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So how about Quebec? I had some nice ice wine samples at the shop, and cider seems good

Montreal is a blast. Highly recommended!


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I got some cider too. Go to the liquor store and try to get some applejack

What’s the difference between Bud Light and pussy?

Pussy only tastes like piss for a few seconds