I am an american who loves Taiwan. I want to take a career break of 1-2 years in Taiwan (who knows maybe even move there f/t). Unlike other nations, I can easily understand how to get the visa I need. But no matter how much I read about Taiwans it just seems like a complicated joke. And, it pisses me off if somone from Taiwan wants a visa in usa they easily get one for 5 years whereas I would be lucky to get a 6 month one. It seems my best bet is to pay to study so I can get an arc (but I don’t want to be tied down to have to attend classes…I will study mandarin but on my terms rather than theirs) or start a business and be free to stay for up to 3 years until the earnings requirements could force me out. Thusly I am wondering if it would be possible to buy into an expat business already running there and getting an arc that way. For example ally cats pizza rocks, if I bought in to one of their new or old locations as a foreign investor could I get my arc and be set? Or would I have to also have a salary to get the arc? Where there is a will there is a way in my book. If any of you have the insight please respond. Also if you know any expats that could use a little extra capital and a hand in managing their business let me know. I could go out on my own in business but would rather not sine that seems like an almost impossible task to start from overseas…again Taiwan’s government regulations seem ridiculas. I think China even has a better government as far as visa’s/starting a business goes. And that is sad since Taiwan wants so badly to be viewed as a real nation and democracy…
There’s very few country in the world that you can do as many visa-run as you want and stay as long as you like, no question asked. I think complaining about this is ridiculas [sic].
You are misreading the information. The 5 year visa is not for a continuous stay of 5 years, but multiple entries over a period of 5 years, but each stay is 60 days. The 60 day stay can be extended for a maximum of 180 days for a list of approved reasons, the most common of which is studying Chinese a minimum of 15 hours/week in an approved school. As far as I know, there is no visitor visa that allows a 6-month stay without any strings attached.
And, I am not familiar with China’s immigration rules because I wouldn’t step foot in that country for any reason (my own personal issues), but they may very well be more flexible with people who want to start a business there. They will suck you dry, allowing you to manufacture anything you want, then steal your designs and market them locally for a fraction of the price. If that is attractive to you, go for it.
However, as you say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. If you are filthy rich, you could probably buy a politician and get a resident visa. Or, you could get the 5-year multiple-entry visitor visa and fly out and back in every 60 days, or even just come in on a landing visa and do the same every 30 days.
I agree. Every country has rules for foreigners staying/visiting there. The immigration rules in Taiwan are relatively easy and straight forward.
Actually I would say that almost any country outside of Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia can be entered multiply time. Most of South American and Central American countries will not stop one from entering multiply times.
Actually I would say that almost any country outside of Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia can be entered multiply time. Most of South American and Central American countries will not stop one from entering multiply times.[/quote]
But there’s also the “no question asked” part.
Right now in Asia only in Thailand and Cambodia you would have no issue at all doing multiple visa run.
You can also get a one year business visa into China. With a good agent no questions will be asked either.
Malaysia and Japan, I don’t think there is any problem entering or exiting either country numerous times with a European, Canadian, or American passport.
You will need to pay for a visa but people can usually get a six month visa to India without any problem. Furthermore you would only actually have to leave India once every six months to renew your visa. That may be cheaper in the long run than flying out of Taiwan every 60 days, 90 days if you are British or European.
Ok, I appreciate all the thoughts but India is no place I’d want to visit again. The whole purpose of this post was to pick the brains of the mighty Forumosa community to see how I can get an ARC in Taiwan so I can live like a normal person. I am way beyond the visa runs every 30 or 120 days. I love to travel but right now having to leave the country and not the RIGHT to reenter or right to own my own items like apt, scooter, car and bank account is not what I am after. So again I ask- can you (I) invest in a currently successful expat business and will that qualify me for an ARC so that I may LIVE like a citizen as long as the business is still running? And yes, if you have a good business like Ally Cats or Coda or even the Brass Monkey, do you want some USD no strings attached to get me my ARC?
Where there is a will there is a way. And yes I know for as little as $7,500usd I could start my own company but have no clue what or where until I live there for a while more then the 3 months last year. And I have been rejected for a visitor visa once form the Chicago office which really pissed me off. I only wish I was the typical corrupt american I’d have her ass behind bars and deported :fume: Such nerve to refuse me in my own homeland! And yes it also pisses me off because I was one of those sailors stuck sitting between Taiwan and the Chinese Navy years back and for that they reject my visitor visa. :bluemad: Kind of wish we would not have got involved because China has given me multi-year multi-entry visas no questions asked everytime. See, now I am pissed. Fuck Taiwan. I am going to Malaysia. I’ll come back to Formosa when the Chinese reclaim it since I already have the visa.