I need a word

This website is as ISO9100-compliant as my dear departed grandmother, God eat her soul.

Yes! Take THAT, posh Englander!

What’s my prize?[/quote]

Fair enough - yours is a lot pithier than mine.

You shall have a shilling as your reward, and Cook will give you some gooseberries or rhubarb from the kitchen garden.

We don’t need no stinking ISO-9001 compliance.

that is freaking hysterical! it hurts to read it.

Saturday, Donny, is Shabes, the Jewish day of rest. That means: I don’t work. I don’t drive a car. I don’t fucking ride in a car. I don’t handle money. I don’t turn on the oven. And, I sure as shit am NOT ISO 9001 compliant!!!

i’m sorry, i had to post this…it’s beyond my control…Lebowski haunts me.

The proprietors of this website have elected an alternative to ISO 9001 certification.

ISO 9001 compliance nullified.