So, as you may or may not know I lived in Taiwan from 2003 to 2006. the headed back to SA, found I still wanted to be in Asia and went to Mainland China. I’ve been here since (about five years).
Pretty much since I set foot on Chinese soil I found myself comparing the two countries. I’m often guilty of comparing two items/entities/individuals/ideologies etc.
I compare/d the environment, the cities I lived in (Taichung VS Xiamen), the food, the facilities, the amenities, public transport, the job and visa situation, the salaries, the foreigners here and there etc etc. Perhaps more importantly I was comparing/compare the citizens of the two countries - their behaviour, manners, thinking and ideologies. I also compare my own thoughts and behaviour and general state of mental, emotional and physical health.
Nine times out of ten Taiwan came out favourably (Xiamen is a seaside city, my job at the uni is piss easy, China has wide sidewalks and Xiamen has a ban on scooters, in China’s favour).
I was just back in the Wan for a ten day trip and before I left I reminded myself to not spend the entire trip comparing. I did though, and it came down to the people - better educated, generally more polite, generally friendlier, generally oblivious to foreigners, quite a few well-travelled (my companion has been to a couple of dozen countries, Denmark next).
I’m back here in Xiamen now, wrapping up my contract at the uni - it runs till end-August, and then I think it’s time to pack my bags and leave China. There’s too many things that go against my belief system and value set (lack of human rights being top of the list).
In that time I need to STOP comparing the two countries, right? It’s a pointless exercise. That said, I don’t want to place Taiwan on a pedestal as I know it has flaws, just like any other country. But I do want to get into a healthier mindset, in preparation for returning to the Wan.
Your words of advice please. Ta!