I, Robot

I gave it a C. I did see the movie. If you are expecting Hollywood to follow any book, you will be disappointed everytime. Even the LOTR and Harry Potter series will not compare to the books. A lot of details will be missed. You will enjoy the movie if you enjoy mindless action films and don’t really care about the book or plot development. If you want to compare it to the book, just skip the movie.


8/10 in brain of mode.

6/10 in brain on (+ or - points depending on how much you like Will Smith)

I enjoyed it (Will Smith ='s automatic brain off mode :slight_smile: )

It was alright. Personally I liked this kind of story, as told in the Animatrix, much better. But it wasn’t bad.


So we should see II Robot pretty soon, eh?

Well, based on this review I won’t be seeing it.

Ah, Maddox. Damn you for linking that, I was about to post the cartoon of the “abbreviated version” :laughing:


I, Robot

If you were not aware that the movie was

I watched the movie last night and found it highly enjoyable - as a sci-fi/action movie. Haven’t read any of the books so I don’t worry about any contradiction to them.
Certainly not a movie that makes you think, just switch of your brain and enjoy the ride. I found it highly entertaining and rated if B, will probably get the DVD when it comes out.


[spoiler]I also didn


I, Robot

There are a number of other little things that don

[quote=“Rascal”]I watched the movie last night and found it highly enjoyable - as a sci-fi/action movie. Haven’t read any of the books so I don’t worry about any contradiction to them.
Certainly not a movie that makes you think, just switch of your brain and enjoy the ride. I found it highly entertaining and rated if B, will probably get the DVD when it comes out.[/quote]
Rented the DVD tonight and really liked it. I was going to write something, but it turns out I was going to say exactly the same thing as Rascal.
I can’t wait for I Robot II.

It was basically an action film. The philosophy bit was so diluted as to be meaningless. If I were Asimov[color=red]*[/color], I would not be pleased to be associated with this movie.

I am aware that Asimov is dead…

If you were Asimov, you’d be dead.


But if you were dead, you’d not be Asimov.

[quote=“Maoman”]It was basically an action film. The philosophy bit was so diluted as to be meaningless. If I were Asimov[color=red][/color], I would not be pleased to be associated with this movie.[color=red][/color]
I am aware that Asimov is dead…

I just saw this movie. I read all the books years ago and it only took about 5 minutes before I realised it was not going to even look at the original plot.

Then I enjoyed it. I switched off the script writer, critic, producer, director and cameraman and just went with it.

They made a mistake associating it with Asimov in any way in my book. They could have borrowed the 3 laws as has become standard in sci fi writing and called it “f!@$ed up robot” or something.

I had trouble relating to Wil Smith as a product of the book and the time it was written.

But, to remove the time period association and treat it as a modern Men in Black style film, then he was good.

I Robot is a good Sci-Fi film. It’s not a classic but it’s still good.
The Matrix, Minority Report are also good, and let’s not forget the Fifth Element.

Then there is 12 Monkeys, another great movie.

As for the books I was an avid reader in my youth. I should unpack all my sci fi novels and re-read them.

One of my Sci-Fi classic films though is Silent Running. I first saw it when I was at boarding school in 1973.