How about the sales tax. The price says $5, but it’s really $5.40. Plus in airports it seems there is some other tax added too. America: land of special fees and taxes. We’re happy to nickle and dime your ass into the poorhouse.
Don’t get me started on the electric bill, or the phone bill or the credit card bill. Too many fees and surcharges with strange names to even mention. No one knows what they mean, we just pay them so we don’t get our service cut off.
And let’s get rid of those big-ass tip jars staring you in face even if you’re just buying a cup of coffee or a plate of nachos. What, I have to give you extra money for doing your job??! I mean, come on, a tip jar next to the cash register? I will tip a wait-person, but darned if I’m tipping someone for standing behind the register, not even making eye contact, then handing me my item without a ‘thank you’.
This was my culture shock upon returning to America from a month in Taiwan.
Oh, and two years ago it was 20 seconds into the Seattle airport and the TVs were talking about where Michael Jackson was, he was supposed to be in court, and no one knew where he was. Oh the horror. All eyes glued. This is news??!
I’m glad I live in Montana, we have no sales tax. And I only tip when they earn it. So I guess I’m OK, I was just taken aback a bit when I couldn’t buy a beer at 7-11 at 2:20am. Oh well. Life is good. This is ‘home sweet home’, right?
Glad I get another break in September. Another month away in Taiwan-my second ‘home sweet home’. Sweet mercy. Back to all that those there like to rant about, but which I enjoy-the bustle, the crowds, the noise.
I guess it’s all just a matter of enjoying what’s different and trying not to frown on the ‘norm’ so much. Enjoy each day. Each day comes around once…
Unlike ‘administration fees’ and ‘application fees’ and ‘wire fees’ and ‘courier fees’ and ‘processing fees’ and ‘flood certification fees’ and ‘underwriting fees’ and ‘appraisal fees’ and ‘credit report fees’ and ‘document fees’ and ‘signing fees’ and ‘credit supplement fees’ …
Yes, all are true and all appear on my latest refinance form for my home. How many pockets do I have on these pants!!!