🇮🇸 Iceland - Museum | Europeans ate with hands until 17th century?

Ha! Far too raffinée pour moi in any case. I later dated a Japanese born girl more congenial to my low level of cultural development: she’d flash her boobs from the balcony when drunk and would use choice expressions like “my dress is so short you can almost see my lunch” in public.


neither seem like amazing wifey material to be honest. jeepers.

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There’s a spotty little twat who goes to my local Seven every day at 6 p.m. and eats a pack of crisps with chopsticks.

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That’s no way to talk about yourself, Jimi :kissing_heart:


Use the banana skin as a condom. Now THAT’S barbarian.

I’m not that barbaric… I do however like to keep a supply of lamb intestines at the ready (safe sex + reminder of the good old days growing up in Oz)

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Savage British wit.

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We are repressed over here. We use Savage British wit to express our love for one another. My post was really a love letter to Jimi, wonderful reprobate that he is :hugs:


One of my friends does this so that she doesn’t get oil on her hands. I think it’s a rather smart move.
But also, I don’t like touching food with my hands. In my country of birth we eat everything with forks and knives (yes, pizza and hamburgers too).


Steer clear of India.

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This Indian woman on ICRT who’s been living in Taiwan for twenty years said that stereotypes of Indians have improved since she came, from “India is hot,” and “Indians eat with their hands,” to “Indians are smart,” and “Indians are good engineers.”

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Stereotypes are bad to begin this, so even if they have improved, they are still bad. And it’s still hot in India, and Indians still eat with their hands. :man_shrugging:

I just listened to the recording again. Dinner table utensils spread throughout Europe in the late 16th century, and didn’t reach England until the early 17th century.

Exhibit 36 for anyone interested in listening

England still hasn’t gotten the news about shoes:

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Americans don’t either. Icelanders do.

I visited the Blue Lagoon. I asked the greeter to explain to me the formation of the colors, and he told me it was 100 percent natural. The minerals in the water, silica combined with algae, makes that color when natural lighting is shined on it. And the rocks were formed by an eruption 800 (?) years ago that spread exploded throughout the island.

Met a semiconductor engineer for Realtek who was there with his son. We had a good chat, but but he had some wacky conspiracy theories; he said that the USA “sells democracy” so they can manipulate systems. They keep a list of all KMT and DPP members who embezzle money so they can threaten them. He said that we need a “hybrid” system like Singapore, because Switzerland is the only country in the world that meets the qualifications for democracy: (1) enough money, and (2) mingzhi (明智?), which he emphasized means civic mindedness (?), and not just education. Yeah, no kidding, LOL. He’s obviously educated and he’s spouting conspiratorial nonsense.

Later on that day, I met the Kurdish clerk at the Corner Market who said they resonate with Taiwan because they’re in the same situation; surrounded by hostile Arabs everywhere.