I’m leaving for Belgium on May 2, until July 15 … need to go as I haven’t been for like 3 years and the family needs a hand, regarding my mother … I don’t want to tell the whole story on the board, but if someone could help me out I’ll tell you if interested.
Anyways, I called a few kennels and they quote me a lot of money, even with bringing my own food, so, basically it’s only sheltering and letting out.
They are pretty docile dogs, but two females. I you can help me out, PM me, than come over and have a look to see if you can handle it. It’s not for free of course, some money will change hands.
Another possibility could be staying here at the apartment in Sanxia, but that’s something I have to discuss with my wife first.
What sizes/weight are your dogs? Are they a certain breed or mixed? Long or short hair? Will they bite other dogs? When did they last receive vaccinations (you will need the little vaccination booklet to prove this)? Are they spayed?
What is “a lot of money”? If you tell me the maximum budget you have for boarding your dogs, I can try to find a cheap kennel to board them at. But need the weight to get price quotes.
But the reality is that boarding 2 dogs for such a long time is going to be a significant amount, no matter how cheap it is. Even at NT$200/dog/day that’s like…$29200…
Is your wife staying home? Can you convince her to take care of the dogs? Any neighborhood kids?
Whatever you do, don’t send them to the shelter. If you want to kill them, which is exactly what you would be doing by sending them to the shelter, it’d be better to just drown them in your tub. At least then they wouldn’t have to suffer from being abandoned and alone for 7 days first.
[quote=“lupillus”]What sizes/weight are your dogs? Are they a certain breed or mixed? Long or short hair? Will they bite other dogs?
What is “a lot of money”? If you tell me the maximum budget you have for boarding your dogs, I can try to find a cheap kennel to board them at. But need the weight to get price quotes.
But the reality is that boarding 2 dogs for such a long time is going to be a significant amount, no matter how cheap it is. Even at NT$200/dog/day that’s like…$29200…
Is your wife staying home? Can you convince her to take care of the dogs? Any neighborhood kids?
Whatever you do, don’t send them to the shelter. If you want to kill them, which is exactly what you would be doing by sending them to the shelter, it’d be better to just drown them in your tub. At least then they wouldn’t have to suffer from being abandoned and alone for 7 days first.[/quote]
My wife works in China and she’s probably coming over to Belgium for two weeks or so …
The quote I got was 35K NT$ … that’s a lot of money for me, include my plane ticket, other expenses and money needed to help out my family …
And who said anything about killing my dogs, bringing to a shelter … I saved them from the street, one I got from Straydog … I took her in as a kind of favor … I hope that other people can do me a favor by caring for the dogs the time I’m gone … I love my dogs, but sometimes I feel kind of stuck, things I need to do can’t be done. I can not just go where I want, when I want.
Right, neighborhood kids … :loco:
I have no idea what you had for breakfast today … :loco:
[quote=“Belgian Pie”]
My wife works in China and she’s probably coming over to Belgium for two weeks or so …
The quote I got was 35K NT$ … that’s a lot of money for me, include my plane ticket, other expenses and money needed to help out my family …
And who said anything about killing my dogs, bringing to a shelter … I saved them from the street, one I got from Straydog … I took her in as a kind of favor … I hope that other people can do me a favor by caring for the dogs the time I’m gone … I love my dogs, but sometimes I feel kind of stuck, things I need to do can’t be done. I can not just go where I want, when I want.
Right, neighborhood kids … :loco:
I have no idea what you had for breakfast today … :loco:[/quote]
Taking them to a shelter means you are signing their death warrant. They are killed after 7 days, government policy. Since your dogs are grown and probably medium/largish, the chances of them being adopted are slim to none. The shelter is not a magical place where unwanted dogs go to find happy homes. The shelter is where dogs are sent to die.
To threaten to either dump your dogs on the street and make them someone else’s problem or send them to the shelter to die unless someone on these boards takes care of your dogs is incredibly irresponsible. It’s blackmailing others into helping you take care of dogs you own. Asking for help in a time of need is absolutely fine, but blackmail is not.
There are about 2 weeks left before you leave for Belgium. That should be plenty of time to seek some kind of solution for your problem. I am willing to help you find a cheaper place to board your dogs, help you find some sort of foster family, or find new owners for your dogs in this time.
In order for me to help you, please answer the questions below, and upload some pictures if you can:
What sizes/weight are your dogs?
Are they a certain breed or mixed?
Long or short hair?
Will they bite other dogs/people?
When did they last receive vaccinations (you will need the little vaccination booklet to prove this)?
Are they spayed?
Are they housetrained?
What is the maximum budget you have for boarding your dogs?
I didn’t see any threats or blackmailing in BP’s posts. I could be wrong, though. I hope you find what you’re looking for, BP, and have a good trip back to Belgium.
[quote=“tomthorne”]I think you need to re-read Belgium Pie’s OP, Lupillus.
S/he didn’t say anything about taking them to the shelter or dumping them on the streets.[/quote]
I took “letting out” to mean “letting the dogs out onto the street and then leaving the country”. And that the sentence above meant “the kennel is too expensive so I have to either take my dogs to a shelter or let them out on the street”. Hopefully I’m wrong.
BP’s a great guy Lupillus, you misread this. BTW, above he’s referring to help he gets as being only a shelter for the dogs, he’ll be providing dog food, not needing to walk them much, just take them out for their toilet.
I see a complete miscommunication here, Belgian Pie, said that he thought the kennels were expensive as he would give them food,so all they had to do was give shelter and walking (that’s what was ment by basically it’s only shelter and letting out) he was referring to what the kennels would have to do.
Lupillus is trying to help, but just got the wrong end of the stick.
Belgian pie you’re going to be away for about 75 dogs, so for two dogs 35k isn’t really that much for kennels to be honest just over 200nt each dog per day. But i understand this is a lot of money to pay up front especially with other expenses.
Anyway your best option is to 1. Send Lupillus the info he requires 2. either find a foster family where the dogs can live or 3 you need someone to move into your house for the time being. It may seem not much for just shelter and walking but that takes time, space and it means that the person who is looking after also has the responsibility of the welfare of your dogs and they they can’t go away for that time.
I’ll also keep my ears and eyes open. Hope you can find a solution.
They’re medium sized, spayed, vaccinated … de-wormed, hearth worm medicated, not chipped yet, Frontlined …
Lucy likes her ball, Emily … doesn’t really care about balls, unless she wants to harass Lucy …
They do a 3km walk every day, then sleep a long time, do some chewing … than come and keep me from what I’m doing and want attention for a while until they’re bored and go to linger around …
They are house trained, Emily will even tell you when she wants to go really bad, Lucy started doing something similar, bringing her ball over when she wants to go up the roof …
They know the basic commands, in English and some Dutch … they know some Belgian Swear wording too
Messing around …
In my understanding a Kennel is not a shelter … or should I instead call it a doggy hotel … and ‘letting’ out is not ‘taking’ out …
OK. I contacted my breeder in Pingtung, and he is willing to board them for around $14k, which is NT$100/day per dog
If you want to go through with this, I can give you his details. If you are sending them via train or bus, you will either need a very large crate for both of them or two crates big enough for them to stand up and turn around in. You probably have to take them to the baggage department at Yingge or Taoyuan Train station if you are sending them by train. The bus to Pingtung goes from Sanchung in Taipei and costs around NT$700 each way to Pingtung (probably NT$2800 in total).
Or the best way is you can drive them down there if you have a car, or if you can borrow a car.
Not that I’m aware of. They’re not a cushy pet hotel of any description, so they will probably just stick your dogs in cages for 2 months. Price does include food though.
Thanks for the responses. I really don’t want to screw up our financial state, tickets or way more expensive than calculated and the money for my mothers care is even way OT for us. But I can not let my brother and father pay up everything.
Plus the fact that the business is on hold for several months now, planning to start something up again when returning.
My wife makes good money but to everything there is a limit …
The dogs are quite good taken care off and I don’t want them to just take anywhere, or take to anyone …
I guess, in the future I’ve to find a middle ground between my work and the dogs … they can spend 8-12 hours by them self, but leaving them longer or overnight is a different story … but that’s then, now is now and it’s pretty important they are cared for. I probably spoiled them.