What is your idea of a great night out…? And it can only be with a friend, not with a partner. Sex will only cheapen the night…
Tonight I am going to my mate Brian’s house. He is 40, single, has a 16 year old daughter and so hates relationships. We will mostly be sat about drinking beer, watching ‘spaced’ and talking about the old times. He has a pool table in the house. One of us will puke later. We will both be cool about whichever one of us it is.
It wouldn’t be tonight. Sitting in as punishment, writing stupid stuff because I procrastinated all day.
I think I had it last week. I cooked, round at mine, bottle of wine with my best girl, in the garden. Even more special because she’s leaving here in August.
Just sitting around a relaxed outdoor setting shooting the shit until 2am (like I did with bob the other night at the fountain outside Mackay Hospital). The only drinks being unfermented.
A good night out has few ingredients: Good people, good venue and a good idea.
For me - I used to think that a hardcore party with people in the ‘know’ were the people to be around because I could share their enthusiasm. Not.
Most people who take it to excess are folks who have darker things to worry about no matter how much of a smoke screen they put up. Ok, ok…I’m guilty…I was, and to a certain extent still am and perhaps alway will be the darker side of the force (Red-Eye Jedi). The point however, is reverting back to more wholesome traits. For me; it was athletics and people surrounding me were of the same cloth. I didn’t smoke nor pollute myself a heavily as I did until I came here…no excuse ‘cuz’ it was what it is…(I worked clubs for too damn long and my romance with nightspots runs deep. I did, however, become disillusioned
with it all)
So…back on topic:
I enjoy my nights. I’ve found some interesting folk. I’m glad that I haven’t found the level of nastiness down here as I did in the big city. For that; I praise the almighty party Gods. (Bai Bai on the way mofos. Eat it up you foolish smoke Gods!..puff puff give!) The South rocks…people rock (once again).
I live for my Sundays. Sundays on a regular basis include a workout, golf and then possibly a BBQ piss up. My week builds to this. Not a fuckin’ retarded or swanky after hours with the ‘cool’ folks of Taiwan/Taipei (more trouble than it’s worth to be honest) but more of the down home, book readin’, well traveled and open minded folks of my own age.
My idea of a good night out is not of a bunch of cunts lookin’ to get their dick wet…or where the next hit is… or who’s in or who isn’t…I’m lookin’ for people who are really in the know. So far so good.
“They know what is what but they don’t know what is what…what the fuck?” - Star 69 FBS
Age does wonders.
Ok…laundry’s done.
edit 12:52 sometimes you wake up and remember you posted something online - you pop on to check it out because the memory is hazy - and POW you end up shakin’ your head. Meh…
It starts with the daytime beer buzz. How about a late afternoon 18 holes of golf with 3 other mates and lots of good beer. After golf your hungry and you got the daytime beer buzz. So you go on over to some brewery type place to get food, the 4 of you.
Appetizers: Hot wings with ranch dressing, fried cheeses sticks, nachos. You sample all the good beer at the brewery that they brew fresh. Direct from the vat to the tap!!!
Get a good pizza for everyone. Loads of cheese and pepperonis.
4 hot chicks sit in the booth next to you. You start talking to them. Everyone is loose and standing around and getting along. You order more beer. Then the Jagermeister shots come. Oh shiit! Its getting crazy! One of the girls is kind of lame so she orders Woo Woo Shots for everyone. You figure she’s paying and its free booze so why not.
After one of the chicks says her friend is having a party. You all go to the party where you are greeted with a 2 foot long glass bong loaded with the stinkiest, greenest, most crystalized nugget of ganga you have ever seen!
A band is playing at the party and they rock. Kind of a punk type of rock band but pleasant to the ears. All 4 of the guys are making out with 4 of the chicks all drunk and stoned. It turns out the party you are at has 4 extra vacant rooms and each one of you spend the rest of the night in a room with the chick having the best sex you’ve ever had all night long!
You wake up, rip a bong hit and go to breakfast with everyone and order Mimosas.
Sitting around with a group of people talking about everything on this earth, and everything that makes you laugh while eating good food and perhaps good wine.
I went to a friend’s house and we got the paints out and decided to see who could come up with the best abstract. Neither of us can really draw in a formal sense, but it was a lot of fun. We came up with something pretty cool in the end. Most of this was achieved by placing my friends, actually very good attempt, over the top of my lame creation.
I think it is easy to see people’s priorities by their answers to this kind of question. Some people want to meet new people. Some people have no desire to meet new people. Some people want to get bent, some don’t. Some people want to have fun in a “high” (by chinese meaning) sort of way. Some people want to have relaxing fun.
Almost all of my most memorable nights have happened with a handful of people I already knew well. But I can see how these same nights could be horribly boring to other people. Some people like places with the music turned up. Some people (me for one) can’t stand to be places that they have to strain to hear the person talking to them.
I never complain to the management of a venue if the place is too loud or I don’t like the music. I figure they are aiming for a certain crowd that I am not part of.
Guess what I’m trying to say is “Each to their own”
[quote=“Namahottie”]Sitting around with a group of people talking about everything on this earth, and everything that makes you laugh while eating good food and perhaps good wine.
A movie
A bbq
Playing scrabble[/quote]
Man I wish we had hung out more when you were here. These are a few of my favourite things.
I couldn’t do a chinese bbq properly. I always let the boys do it. In this heavenly hypothetical BBQ it would be a few close friends. Not more than a dozen to 20. Never more than 20. That’s where it quits being fun as far as I’m concerned.
So after my ‘drunken night at the bar to come home and do laundry post’… I will now attempt to stay on topic:
-Afternoon Golf
-Beer at the club house talkin’ smack
-Rooftop BBQ or just about anywhere that can be comfortable so that you can cook at your own pace
-More beer and wine
-Good friends and interesting people but not so many as to make your head spin
-People who know when to call it a night before it becomes overblown (GUILTY!)
-Good music (like minded people)
-Good convo (not drunken bullshit the entire night)
-Dim lighting preferably by the fire or torch.
[quote=“SuchAFob”][quote=“Namahottie”]Sitting around with a group of people talking about everything on this earth, and everything that makes you laugh while eating good food and perhaps good wine.
A movie
A bbq
Playing scrabble[/quote]
Man I wish we had hung out more when you were here. These are a few of my favourite things.[/quote]
[quote=“TomHill”]What is your idea of a great night out…? And it can only be with a friend, not with a partner. Sex will only cheapen the night…
Tonight I am going to my mate Brian’s house. He is 40, single, has a 16 year old daughter and so hates relationships. We will mostly be sat about drinking beer, watching ‘spaced’ and talking about the old times. He has a pool table in the house. One of us will puke later. We will both be cool about whichever one of us it is.
We may get high.[/quote]
Post script.
I beat Brian 5-0 at pool. but his mate Shazard turned up and beat me 7-1. I was drunk by the time I played Shazard so I don’t count it.
Brian puked, 3 times. I stayed cool. No-one got high.
Great night, went to bed at 7am. Slept all day Saturday.