If 99% of Taiwanese votes for independence in a legit referendum, can China justify an invasion?

Sean Lien is Beijing’s tool. His dad would reunite with the mainland tomorrow if it were possible.

I’ve seen him talk and he seems reasonable and educated , the problem is so did Ma. His father is too close to Beijing.
Also, I don’t like people getting parachuted into jobs just because of who they are.
Apart from that, it would be good to have a younger mayor for once.

That was my reaction at first, too. Then I realized it doesn’t really matter how old he is. Obama’s young for president…

Anyway, Sean Lien’s age doesn’t matter. The big question is whether his campaign can manage to bridge the prohibitively wide moat of wealth that separates him from the rest of society.

Yeah because that is exactly what he has been groomed his whole life to appear to be. Just like all the other KMT elites: gentlemen with great education that was usually paid for by the state. Doesn’t mean a whit as to what they really think or want to do. I know you know that but it is worth restating. The KMT have always played up the gentlemanly nature of their top candidates as this plays into Taiwanese cultural notions of the leader as a well-mannered Confucian scholar.

Instead of wishing for a young mayor how about we wish for a real change in leadership? There is no reason to fear the DPP at the city level as they have done better than the KMT in all the major cities.

Do note that Lien the Younger is a member of the KMT Central Committee and was previously a member of the KMT Central Standing Committee. He is young only in appearance. His ideas are very much in tune with the party.

Didn’t I tell you? Pampered elites the whole lot of them.

Sien Lien: The Hanchurian Candidate.

Today’s Taipei Times is really ramping up the China invasion paranoia:

Chinese could be ready to invade in 2020: MND

China developing new nuclear missile

Beijing increases its defense budget by 12.2 percent

At least it’s a relief to know that we have a definite invasion date: 2020. If you’re here just for the money, better flee no later than December 31, 2019. After that, we’re all gonna die.

Didn’t I tell you? Pampered elites the whole lot of them.[/quote]

The princelings, Taiwan is really not that different than China in many ways.