If the CCP invades, will you fight?

You have no idea what it is I do. Yes at times I uplink to satellites. You come into every thread being an expert on everyone else’s work in companies or about their business yet you neither work for anyone or have a business neither have you been in a corporate or government role.

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Nope. I would protect my family, that is the extent to which I would oppose an invasion. If China didn’t bother us, I wouldn’t bother them. Not my war to fight. Hopefully I’d be gone long before then though.

Don’t worry, they’re not after your family. Just stay away from military installations and key infrastructure targets.

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China unleashes a plague on the world killing 7 million people, but “don’t worry they are not after your family”. I would check your logic on that one.

There is documented concern that the PLA may use ethnic weapons - for example viruses that could wipe out any non-Han ethnic populations.

Reference PLA ongoing studies into CRISPR gene editing, bioweapons, and over a decades of direct access to genetic data on populations around the world - as well as an increased focus on local genetics. This goes back to years of Chinese military interest in ancient Neanderthal DNA differences in Han and non-Han populations.

I thought it was Bill Gates.

Is that how it is working out in Ukraine?

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I will go with my foreign passports in hand to the humanitarian boats leaving Taiwan and come back when it has all blown over

So will lots of other Taiwanese with foreign passports lol

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Obviously I wasn’t asking him to stick around. If he can leave then he should. But if he sticks around then he should avoid those targets.


What are you trying to say? Spit it out. lol

I said geology because that’s the reason why Taiwan lack good, sandy beaches perfect for landing troops in, and all the rocky shores and stuff.

Yes, I know. Geography. They aren’t going to land and go, oh no too much schist! They are going to go, oh no, a rocky coastline.

Ms. Nickel's LEC Earth Science Blog: January 2016

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Russia has, sure, and so has practically every country. Similarly, Ukraine has (or had?) a nationalist problem. And they’ve killed a lot of people in Donetsk region. I don’t know who started it. Obviously both sides were wrong in their own ways. I’m anti-war. (Apparently there’s no black and white answer to this, too: Who's to blame in the Ukraine-Russia standoff? It depends on perspective)

For how many go abroad to fight, this has little to do with Russia if you’re going to bring up “not many people went to Ukraine to fight.”

(If you don’t believe me, take a look at this report from the OSCE, the “Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe”: https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/a/a/342121.pdf) There were multiple ceasefire violations and weapon violations of the Minsk agreement, with the Ukrainian side managing to kill more civilians in non-government controlled territory (i.e., “Russian controlled side”). But they don’t report that last part in the media… because why would they? Russia bad. Ukraine good. America good. Iraq / Iran / Afghanistan / China… etc. etc. bad. Good and bad being black and white? Impossible. That’s just how the media labels it.

Anyway, the difference is that Russia is a lot more mercenary in style, whereas Taiwan is a lot more “foreigners are a different class of human beings, not to be participants in Taiwanese politics.”

Interesting thread on US military deliberately bombing hospitals and killing civilians:

Problem is that there are over 1 million foreigners in Taiwan. If by “a few” you mean like half, then that’s going to create huge problems for other countries.

If you need permission to leave Taiwan after the age of 16 because you’re Taiwanese, then clearly the government cares. I’ve read horror stories of people being American or Canadian and then ending up being forced into the military in Taiwan on a visitor’s trip. Imagine that? Worse, Taiwan could go the route of Russia where Taiwan starts recalling people from other countries to get them to fight China, should this ever become a thing.

Can’t really compare Russia and Taiwan. Taiwan abandoned its dictatorial ways in favor of getting good with the US and making itself out to be a victim. Unfortunately the culture didn’t change by going “democratic.” Yes, Taiwan didn’t shoot down a flight. Instead it colonized an island and murdered tens of thousands of aboriginals and their own in various massacres/incidents. I’m not sure who killed more of what. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things if a civilian flight was shot down? Is this a competition on who is more bloody?

In the fog of war… yeah. Many countries have done something wrong during times of war once again. No point in discussing this unless you’re looking to make a tally and decide who is worthy of being in heaven. It’s unfortunate so many humans support war and killing. smh. Better stick to making movies and action roleplaying instead. Safe, fun, and gets the feelings out.

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I agree, almost like a spambot.

Terrain, dammit! :rofl:

Online basic training for overweight, middle-aged English teachers HERE!:


The guys who invaded and tried to conquer their enemy’s capital? Just a guess.


Well as you said you are not Taiwanese. Your children are not Taiwanese. So you can leave.
As I wrote nobody will care if you can leave. Taiwan like other countries will not be able to force military aged men to return if they are living overseas already. Especially if they hold PR or are citizens of other countries. :slight_smile: It could be China that shoots down civilian aircraft in war.

Yes the KMT did murder lots of indigenous and other people. In fact in case you don’t know President Tsai’s administration is paying NT$6 million to the families and descendants of those murdered. My indigenous wife’s grandfather was one of the well known ones murdered. As her father has passed away she and her brother will share that compensation.
What does that have to do with China possible creating a war with Taiwan?

The biggest problem you’ll face if China attacks Taiwan is feeding yourself and your family. Taiwan only produces about 30% of the food it needs and that won’t be enough to keep store shelves from being stripped bare overnight. The solution is to freeze dry enough food to feed yourself and your family for a minimum of three months and preferably longer. Freeze dried food lasts up to 25 years, retains 95% of its flavor and nutrition, and can be stored at room temperature in sealed Mylar bags under beds, in closets etc.

Just keeping your family healthy and fed will be a major victory which will allow Taiwan’s government to focus on defending the country.