If there's a war, which side are you on?

But that was then. It’s like the boy who cried wolf – try it now, and people won’t buy it.

Paging Adrian Veidt (aka Ozymandias). Watch for falling squid.

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Either E or F if A is Trump.

But why? Could F be that bad? They’ve learned their lesson haven’t they? They’re so sane and normal…it’s refreshing now.

Sure, 3rd time’s a charm :grandpa:

Nah, that “no” just out of principle. Been there, done that, sucked. Sorry for the understatement of the century.

Yeah I appreciate that many of my fellow countrymen seem relatively sane and normal nowadays.

I’m worried about the police and the military, though. They seem to attract way too many of the not-so-sane ones.

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Well, not if you use the radio they wont. Duh…Try us on a video display though, we can prove to your kind just how repetitive stupidity really works on us. Have you seen our recent virus reactions? How about environmental contamination? We still like slaughtering everything including our own species. we can try harder to melt our planet. Do you still love us? how can we prove our ineptitude better to you our holy saviour. I mean alien leader. Please just give us attention …

Most of them, anyway. I put the ones who believed Trump secretly flew to Berlin and hid in the “hermetically sealed” US embassy to stand by while they stormed the Reichstag for him in a different category.

(Sorry I can’t find a version with English subtitles right now, but it’s out there.)

Yeah, it’s not uniquely a German thing though. :roll_eyes:

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Wow, Forumosa us the first place I learn about THAT crazy detail :open_mouth:

Indeed, like in several other countries, the formerly closeted crazies are recently quite visible. But for sure I wouldn’t want to fight on their side, under imperial German colours, against the evil reptilian rulers from space…

Relax, man! Angie is in with the lizzies too, though she may not realize it herself.
:lizard: :shushing_face: :wink:

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