… 57590.html[/quote]
Obama is proving more and more disappointing to those of us who supported him. First he fails to shut down Guantanamo Bay, much less end either war. Then he starts a new war in Libya. Yesterday he has a “NATO” airstrike kill several of Khadaffi’s family. Now he has OBL assassinated instead of bringing him to the U.S. for a proper trial. This is frankly disgusting. What hope? Certainly no change.
He did precisely what he said he’d do.[quote=“Barack Obama, 2008”]If we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out. We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority."[/quote]
What change? Fighting in the right places, that’s a change for the better. Success, that’s another.
Guantanamo Bay continues to be a black eye.
Excessive use of signing statements, another.
Treatment of Bradley Manning, a third.
There are more. But I think you’re mistaken in citing those particular ‘disappointments’.
Thanks for the explanation, Jaboney. Without it, I thought the OP was temped from the “Bin Laden is dead” thread. It seemed like a weird temp. I’m guessing a mod deemed it best to direct the political discussion to the appropriate forum. The chosen thread title sums up the OP’s opinion clearly.
Me, I’m thinking good riddance. We spent millions on Saddam Hussein’s trial. How much do you think the rope cost?
He was not “assassinated”, he was shot dead in a military operation to capture him. So maybe he didn’t want to be captured? The guys on the ground had a back up plan called a 5.56mm round.[/quote]
I’m thrilled to see bin Laden dead. I am generally against celebrating the deaths of people. But there are exceptions. Some people are just too evil to live.
I agree. He declared war on the USA, then killed thousands of people, in the process bringing down the wrath of the USA on Afghanistan. What good would a trial do?
This burial at sea seems a bit silly. I hope they extracted all his organs for further study.
Not that it all makes much difference in the long wrung, as the man was more or less a financier, and not a fighter.
Which makes the assassination that much more apropos, in that if only merchants of death were set out for such a course with an ever-increasing degree of frequency.
I agree. He declared war on the USA, then killed thousands of people, in the process bringing down the wrath of the USA on Afghanistan. What good would a trial do?[/quote]
He declared war on Iraq, that killed thousands of innocent people, in the process bringing down the wrath of Al Qiada. Who am I? Should this man also be killed or go to trial?
Why? First, they had to bury the body within 24 hours, which would have been difficult after taking it back to the ACC, and second, you don’t want the burial site to become a shrine. Best to just feed the *@&^!# bastard to the fish then, no?
Well, on at least one level it is silly. Not silly enough for me to make a fuss about it, but, a bit silly nonetheless. We’ve heard for years that OBL was not a real Moslem and didn’t represent Moslems. Thus, there should be no reason that any burial would offend real Moslems. Yes, I know… diplomacy and appearances… But, if we’re really worried about respect, then we shouldn’t have broken into his home and killed him… that’s highly disrespectful. But, again, yes, I understand the motives behind appearing respectful.
But, in answer to your comment re not wanting the burial spot to become a shrine… well, one benefit of that is obvious. It would be like bait.
Why? First, they had to bury the body within 24 hours, which would have been difficult after taking it back to the ACC, and second, you don’t want the burial site to become a shrine. Best to just feed the *@&^!# bastard to the fish then, no?[/quote]
He wasn’t killed at sea. So why send him off there?
They should have placed the corpse on a cold, wet slab, and embarked on a Limited Time National Tour.
50 bucks a head to view the beast.
Loudspeakers blaring “The Battle Hymn of The Republic”.
Team America,
Fuck Yeah!
To have time to run the DNA tests to confirm his identity.
Because you don’t want his burial site to become a shrine, and #1 above presents a good reason to take him out to sea so that you then have a plausible reason for burying him at sea.
He wasn’t killed at sea. So why send him off there?
They should have placed the corpse on a cold, wet slab, and embarked on a Limited Time National Tour.
50 bucks a head to view the beast.
Loudspeakers blaring “The Battle Hymn of The Republic”.
Team America,
Fuck Yeah!
Gosh, I’m surprised this didn’t happen. Bye-bye deficit, and all that.