I'm looking for my Biological Taiwanese Father

Hello I’m looking for my Biological Taiwanese Father. My mother is Ruselle Escabillas. And I’m Cyron Escabillas. My mother met my dad on a bar in the year 2005 and until now I’m looking for him please help me find him so i can finally meet him.

Do you know your fathers name in Chinese?

If you had his ID card number you could find him.

What other information has your mother given you or documents you have on hand if she’s not available to help?

No there’s really no information currently I’m looking for the bar where they met and i hope that they have a record of him in there so that i can find him.

My mother just hid all of the information about him and even burnt the picture of him with my mom. The only person that is living right now that have seen that picture was my uncle

Many bars have come and gone since 2005. Also why would they keep a record of a person you cannot even identify? The staff are not likely to be the same people bar staff also come and go


Do you know if he knows you exist?

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Maybe you could locate relatives in Taiwan by doing ancestry dna testing:

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Were you born in Taiwan or the Philippines? Do you know your date of birth?

You might try to contact the Pearl S. Buck Foundation, Taiwan. They may be able to help or point you to other resources.

4th Floor, No. 232, Changchun Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104108, Taiwan.

Do you know the name of the bar or what area it was in? Sometimes the local police can help with these kinds of cases. But not always. Every year people of Taiwanes descent come to Taiwan looking for lost parents. Sometimes they are succesful. Often they are not.


I was born in Philippines but i would like to try that thank you for the information.

Is your mother still alive? Ask her why she will not want to help you find your dad? Was the bar in Taiwan or Philippines?
Maybe try to see if there is any info at the hospital where you were born? Maybe they recorded your dads name

Sadly it sounds like you have very little to go on

Hope your life is going well
Is there a reason other than curiosity to find him?

Were your parents together for sometime or you were just the result of a little sexual adventure

I would say the services like 23 and me will be helpful in case someone is looking for you too ?

No my mother passed away on 2021.She wanted to hide her past from me which is her working as an escort girl.

You also must consider whether or not your biological father wants to be found by you.

Was your father in a serious relationship with your mother?

Or was your father simply a customer of your mother?

Did your father know that your mother was pregnant?

These three questions are paramount in deciding whether or not your biological father would be interested or or even amused in you suddenly showing up unexpectedly into his life.

What is your motivation for tracking him down?

For me i think it was a serious relationship when i look at him bringing my mother to various countries travelling together. And i think that he left my mother after knowing she was pregnant. The reason i wanna track him down because currently I’m left all alone without a family so i hope you can understand my point of view.


While this is heartbreaking, I think your chances are slim. But if it makes you feel better to run down leads, go for it.

I’m sorry to hear about your mom’s passing.

Also, family can be overrated. Friends sometimes are better. The people who care for and about you do all the things family members do, and you don’t have to buy them Christmas presents! :gift:


Well that’s as much as you need to know. He isn’t anyone worth meeting. Move on with your life. You are not going to find somebody without a name, address or even a photo.

But if you are half Taiwanese then you should come and visit and take something positive from it.


My sister hired a genealogist for a fairly nominal sum to explore our family history and he came up with extensive information about relatives I didn’t even know existed, including many in Sweden who invited us to come and visit. He answered all the questions we had about our family tree by sifting thru records in a way only a pro could.


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If you have enough details you could hire a private investigator in Taiwan. But, I think you need a lot more than what you have here.

Another ongoing search is by this man, who was featured in an interesting film project called Voices in the Clouds.

@Cyron there are lots of cases like yours out there. I don’t know if you’ll find what you’re looking for, but I do hope you find peace.


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