I'm Loving This Song Today

Like…literally. :sweat_smile: Always thought it was kind of a waste. Think what they’d be worth as collector’s items.

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Me too. I got a tape recorder when I was about 11 and it was the second album I ever bought - the first was Dire Straights Brothers in Arms. Pushing down the black button on the recorder and manic depression comes on. Boom!


I think he smashed and burned the same guitar every performance though. I have a vague memory of reading that somewhere and it seems to make sense.

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Feeling positive and expansive

Feeling sad and pensive

Feeling happy and social

I’m not woke, but jesus did I call this one decades ahead?

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Grooving on that cheesy 70s vibe today :blush:

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Still on that cheesy 70s vibe…

Yeah that was one of the first LPs I bought on my own. One of the albums that really got me into hard rock.

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Merry Christmas, everybody!

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With a holiday spirit in the air in the capital, this song is on my mind. These guys really nail the mood! Wait for their signature Buddhist punchline at the end.



What location are they at at 2:47? Dadaocheng?

Some guy(s) in the comment section of that youtube upload have tracked all the locations and posted them. I can identify some of them but not all.


Sorry I should have looked more closely at your time stamp, as that one is easy: it’s in Jiufen, and they even nicely included a sign to make that clear!


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Thanks, my laptop decided 480p was all it could muster, that and I’m getting older and in denial of my eyesight.

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It’s the heart that matters, as this song makes clear.


Someone did some good writing :point_up_2: :point_down: :

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