This should help debunk the anti wia gwo ren mentality.
[quote]Contrary to popular stereotypes, areas undergoing immigration are associated with lower violence, not spiraling crime, according to a new study.
Harvard University sociologist Robert Sampson examined crime and immigration in Chicago and around the United States to find the truth behind the popular perception that increasing immigration leads to crime. [/quote] … crime.html
The Deadly Consequences of Illegal Alien Smuggling
Crime Victims of Illegal Aliens
Illehal Aliens are nations Most Lethal Drivers
Border News - You Decide
“The “border news” of the US/Mexican border is buried in the back pages of newspapers if it’s reported at all! I’ve tried to centralize the “border news” in one place. My purpose? Americans deserve to be informed so the reality of what is really going on at the border and the consequences for our “entire nation” is understood. Illegal immigration is destroying homes, lives, businesses and families on both sides of the border! Here are the facts as reported on “Border News” - YOU Decide!”
The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration…A well compiled site documenting a number of aspect of US society impacted by illegal immigration.
Some might differ with the conclusions presented in the OP
TC, those are all problems associated with illegal aliens. Do legal immigrants cause the same problems ?
[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]TC, those are all problems associated with illegal aliens. Do legal immigrants cause the same problems ?[/quote]BFM -
Correct…regarding your question my first thought is to say…‘No’…this is purely my personal experience and anecdotal experience. However, I have no immediate resourcing to show evidence that this is the case.
That is a good area to look into as a supplement to the ‘illegal’ vs ‘legal’ immigration issue.
But prima facie, illegals are in violation of the laws from the very start. Those who do ‘sign the book’ and obey the immigration laws are from the beginning showing a respect for the laws of the country. I think this is a very valid indicator for this group.
Are those self same stats taking into account those backpacking Canucks travelling Asia and teaching said continent’s youth? Specifically, those who studied under Prof. Phineas Freak and Dr. Ebeneezer Goode? The Special KK phonics instructors?
I don’t see that conclusions can be drawn one way or the other. Considering Chicago’s crime rates, an influx of almost any type of people, whether immigrant or not, would tend to help the crime rate. Having said that, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to hear that immigrants are on the whole more law abiding than your average citizen. They’ve invested a lot in getting here and have more to lose (possible deportation) by unlawful behavior.
I think this leads to the question: would relaxing immigration requirements to allow more people to legally immigrate reduce crime? If people did not have to live in fear of the government would they be less likely to get into trouble with the law over other things?
I don’t think that’s really the question, because legal immigrants still have the potential for deportation /loss of status, etc. based on criminal behavior until they become actual citizens, which takes at least 3 years (and usually much more).
[quote=“redandy”]I don’t see that conclusions can be drawn one way or the other. Considering Chicago’s crime rates, an influx of almost any type of people, whether immigrant or not, would tend to help the crime rate. Having said that, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to hear that immigrants are on the whole more law abiding than your average citizen. They’ve invested a lot in getting here and have more to lose (possible deportation) by unlawful behavior.[/quote]Redandy -
I agree with this comment.
And I am going to base my agreement on an interpretation that you are referring to legal immigrants in your supposition.
Yes, that was my assumption.