I checked one mail for deletion and clicked “delete all”. The message said, something about do you want to delete all checked mail? Since I checked only 1, I clicked “OK”. It deleted all my inbox mails.
Sorry you lost your messages. Don’t think it’s a bug though.
If you check one and then click “delete marked”, you get a box asking “Are you sure you want to delete this message?”. If you check two or more and do the same, the box says “Are you sure you want to delete these messages?”. If you do “delete all”, the box says the same; “Are you sure you want to delete these messages?” So if there’s any chance you might have accidentally clicked the wrong button you’d better back out at that point in future.
well, if I checked on one message for deletion and clicked the box to delete all?, it should delete only the message I checked, not the whole inbox. But it deleted all messages in the inbox. That’s not a function; it’s a bug.
Delete marked is for deleting marked messages. Delete all is for deleting all messages. I don’t understand why you want to use the latter button for the former function.
I guess I’m not clear.
When I clicked the delete all, it prompted me with are you sure you want to delete the (1) message which I had checked. Of course, being that’s what I was confirming, I did so. But that message is wrong.
Why did I click on delete all? Because I was quickly moving my mouse when I clicked. Nevertheless, the “are you sure message” was the correct one and I confirmed, but it still deleted the whole inbox even though it asked if I only wanted to delete the 1, single checked mail for deletion.
That is a bug, not a feature.
I see what you mean now. If you only check one message, then click “delete all”, the box does ask you “Are you sure you want to delete this message?”