[Income Taxes] 183 day Rule

I have the same problem with 300 days. Apparently if you’re here 183-300 days you use the number of days divided by 365 as the percentage of your income you will pay tax on. Over 300 days (10 months) and you pay 100%. Top tax rate is 40%.

So because I was here 308 days and wasn’t aware of the law, I now have the distinct pleasure of paying 8% of my yearly income - approximately 1 month’s total income - on taxes. If I had stayed out of the country for 1 extra week…

8 days costs me 1 month of work. Taiwan: this is your tax code. You fuckers.

So in the next couple of weeks, if you hear a cacophony of cursing wafting through the dust cloud over Taipei, my apologies in advance.