Indians vs ethnic Chinese

Clearly the main reason is because Chinese people are descended from dragons. Dragons are just better at state building.


Because Korea created Chinese civilization. :wink:

Never heard that. Koreans are descended from a bear.

I suspect this is going to rely on widely different views on what constitutes an industrial revolution, how long you define a generation, and even what you consider authoritarian… What time period would you give for china’s, and what criteria is that based on?

I believe they are descended from kimchi.

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The infrastructure is horrible even in big metro cities. Public schools, transportation, hospitals suck. Just a couple of weeks ago I spent the equivalent of 2500 NT at one of the highest rated private hospitals in a top 5 Indian city j ust to get some routine tests done and still had to wait 4-5 hours and go through some janky procedures. Pollution is rampant, ranging from crazy air pollution to noise pollution on the streets (incessant car horn honking is normalized). Overpopulation is insane - the city I live in has almost the same population as Taiwan…

I did all my pre-college schooling in India. My high school class had 40 kids of varying income backgrounds (most were upper middle class at least). About 20 of them have left India for good now. 10 or so are in the US and 4 are in in Singapore. The general vibe I get is that those who have the opportunity to leave end up doing so. Getting a masters in the US isn’t really expensive anymore and a popular route.


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it’s fashionable to blame white people

Again, what the hell does that have to do with anything?

again, if you really don’t see it, then, again, i probably still can’t explain it to you (again)

You are what you eat

That appears to be very different than your previous claim.

Egypt, roman and south american empires all did that without being SE asians.

I think anyone can do well when they are intelligent, understand psychology and are ruthlessly psychopathic. Not so unlike modern day Chinese rule.

The Roman empire did not have a bureaucracy that governs a large area like China did.

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I’m guessing ‘democracy’ didn’t serve India as well as ‘authoritarianism’ served china over the last few decades.

I could be wrong but I think China was significantly less developed than India around the end of WWII.

This was true until at least 1978.

There is something about Deng xiao ping perhaps

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And the critical thing was with all the money flowing around, much or at least some of it was invested back into infrastructure and development wasn’t all siphoned off by crab people. There was a slice that went back for the public.