Indicating "squared" or "cubed" in HTML

How can I indicate “a squared” in HTML? If I try to type it, it comes out

How can I indicate “b cubed” in HTML? If I try to type it, it comes out

Maybe someone knows of the location of some little icons which would facilitate this? Or there is a way to do this in HTML?

I am using Microsoft Frontpage, and according to the software it is authored by a Mr. B. Gates. As a last resort, does anyone have his phone number?

What you want to do is called ‘superscript’, no idea idea how you do it on that software (next to bold and underline etc… I guess), or even if you can. But if you have a little 2 raised up like that, it’s call superscript, a little lowered one, like in H2O is called a subscript. If there’s no way to do it, a^2 is usually the next best accepted standard.

[EDIT, nicked from a frontpage forum]

[quote]In HTML mode, it would look like this: 2

You can also do it in Normal view: highlight the number, then Format | Font | Superscript [/quote]

Thanks a million!

I would say thanks a thousand

You can email Bill Gates at (not joking).

In the general case, you can use the extended character codes for HTML. These are an ampersand followed by some character designator followed by a semicolon (to terminate). In the case of a superscript two, it’s ampersand “sup2” semicolon (all together, no quotes), or ².

[quote=“MaPoDoFu”]In the general case, you can use the extended character codes for HTML. These are an ampersand followed by some character designator followed by a semicolon (to terminate). In the case of a superscript two, it’s ampersand “sup2” semicolon (all together, no quotes), or

cranky has touched upon the issue of my next question !!!

In HTML, what exactly is the meaning and usage of the coding?

When I use Microsoft Frontpage, it puts this everywhere, and I don’t even know what it means . . . . . . . .


Spans don’t do a thing by themselves. They are basically containers that can have attributes applied to them, usually through CSS (cascading style sheets). These attributes will then affect everything within the < span > < /span> tags.

For example, let’s say someone was writing about the political parties in Taiwan and had the following sentence:

Now suppose that person is bored and wants to emphasize the names of the parties:

Some of the better-known parties in Taiwan are the <span style="color: green;">Democratic Progressive Party</span>, the <span style="color: blue; background-color: black; border: 2px solid gold;">Kuomintang</span>, the <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">James Soong</span> <span style="color: orange;">People First Party</span>, the <span style="font-size: 60%;">Taiwan Solidarity Union</span> and the <span style="color: yellow; font-size: 40%;">New Party</span>.

This would put the DPP in green, the KMT in black & gold, etc.

Note that these changes all take place “in line” (i.e. within a paragraph or other such element). If you want to apply changes to, say, several paragraphs at a time, you should use < div > tags, which are like < span > tags but are used for “block-level” elements.

Frontpage produces shit for coding.

You should use the French term “merde”, I have been told that that is more polite.

I sometimes have MSWord running in the background. If I need any funky stuff like that then I just click on insert followed by symbol and they’re all there to pick from. Then cut and paste to your web page.

After my old laptop got rained on I had to do that just to get quote marks…