Indoor Air Can Be a Killer … apollution

Air out that house . Chemical leaks from new furnishings, building materials are a killer, especially of the young.

Don’t we know that already?? I mean, thanks for the info but don’t we know we are supposed to keep our windows open as much as we can. Last year, a lady in Taiwan dies, coz she would dry her laundry inside nd something to do with detergent fumes, one of her vital organs collapsed or some such thing…I am off to making a list of common sense things to do.

Just something to remember, because a lot of people like to air tight their homes, especially in winter. And often common sense is not that common. :smiley:

I agree, it’s common sense to me as well. Even if it’s just to get rid of cooking/farting smell :lick:

And winter is not THAT cold here.

I agree, it’s common sense to me as well. Even if it’s just to get rid of cooking/farting smell :lick:

And winter is not THAT cold here.[/quote]

Unfortunately, every year, entire families die because they lock everything up… and then someone takes a shower.

The one I remember vividly was the death of 8 girls who were roomamtes. Even though teh windows were open, the clothes hanging outside created a barrier and all roomates, plus their pet white Angor cat, died.

Buildings here must be very unhealthy because of mold, me thinks. That over time can really harm you. Chemicals are aplenty. Ventilation is really bad in the average home/office.

I am sure my allergies come from the friggin estereofon ceiling we have. Noise cancelling, my foot.