Innocent lawlessness in taiwan

You can put up a nice gate and a warning sign but lack of enforcement

Taiwan has an innocent lawlessness about it

Innocent until someone gets hurt though

But that’s how it is in Taiwan a law is just an inconvenience like red lights in kaohsiung

This is a Taiwan News article waiting to happen.


Yeah but nah but. That’s the Bayan hot springs. This has being going on for years. Not sure where the real danger lies.


Have been there a couple of times… it’s been there forever. It’s set up by some old folks to their liking.

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Keoni intensifies


In China that would end up in ‘social’ minus points, face recognition would be used.

Which one? @keoni

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I think they are all the same. @keoni is really @keoni


They’d better not go jogging for the next, like year. I mean, all that footage of them trespassing… :cactus: :cactus: :cactus:

That’s three times you typed his name. If you’re looking into a mirror now he will appear… right… behind you!

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I like this part about Taiwan. It’s a young country without enough time to legislate everything. :slight_smile:


Are they really trespassing? Or just having fun? :thinking:

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I agree with what you’re saying in spirit. I think, however, there might actually be a law against everything in Taiwan. It’s just that no one bothers to enforce those laws unless enough people complain.


So no one ever goes say skinny dipping illegally in developed countries? Should they post someone to catch people in every little body of water?

I hike a lot in Taiwan and the powers that be are forever closing trails “to protect hikers”. Except they’re really just closing them because they can’t be bothered maintaining them. Most of the trails in Wulai have been shut for years. Likewise around Pingxi they put up signs warning of extreme danger. I ignore all such signs and frequently can’t even figure out where the danger is. Minor landslides you can easily walk around. Rickety bridges that are fun to traverse and which even if they collapsed you’d just be having a wee swim. Even worse is the yellow danger tape they string on every structure as soon as a tiny bit of rot appears. Which is generally within six months of the structure being finished because recycled wood rots very fast in this climate. :hole:


It’s like the cleaning person closing the public bathroom stalls so they don’t have to clean them even though there is a long line…

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Or the ice cream machine at McDonald’s.


Unlike a certain American jogger who inspired my tasteless joke, they actually were trespassing. (That doesn’t mean they weren’t also having fun.)

The danger with hot springs lies in the reality that there could be a surge in temperature underground and you’d get nicely cooked (to death) if you’re in the water when that happens.

Just saying…

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But that’s hot springs everywhere. Kiwiland has a shitload of unmonitored hot springs where you can just rock up and catch as catch can.

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