Insecurity about my appearance in Taiwan

Younger. I do look young, but i feel like they are saying it as a diss. Like ‘you look young but ain’t all you western people supposed to be old looking’ otherwise why mention it, most people here look pretty young.

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Well, to the OP. I do kind of avoid the more trendy areas of Taipei. Ximending, dong qu, xinyi, zhongshan. Full of fashionable attractive people, but it would be the same in any country’s biggest city wouldn’t it?

You can just hang out in the bummy areas. Sanchong, Wanhua etc. It could be a cure for your problem.


Yes its in Taipei and mainly in those places. Why do you avoid them?

Well, there’s your issue.

That’s like saying you moved to Hollywood and realized everybody in America is pretty.


There are a diversity of views on this point, ranging from the old school “skin whitening” crowd to the often younger fit-and-tanned look. I’m seeing way more of the latter lately in Taiwan than before.



Honestly this looks more like an island of slobs compared to say Japan or South Korea. I guess everything is relative. :person_shrugging:



I see. I guess its not so similar in Germany. Like in our big cities people are not necessarily so much more good looking.

Maybe a bit more fashionable but otherwise not much different.

For me looks is dead last. Personality and compatibility matters a lot more though appearance may get attention from me, but that’s it.


Young fit and tanned is still the minority.

I don’t see the gym popularity sticking. Taiwanese people are inherently lazy.



OK here’s a true story. I have seen Starbucks products delivered to the front door of an apartment building, sitting there waiting for someone to pick it up.

Meanwhile, 200 meters away, on the ground floor of that same building is . . . (wait for it) . . . a Starbucks store.



I wouldnt call Taiwanese lazy at all what Ive seen.

So how does World Gym stay in business?

Good! Then you’re hanging with a good crowd.


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Forgot about their admiration for big, fat cheery-red shoes

Where did i say that nobody works out in Taiwan? I said its trendy at the moment. Even if you go to the gym you can see how lazy people are. Most girls here go to the gym so they can wear leggings and take selfies.

Doesn’t surprise me!

The amount of young - as in 20ish people who insist on getting the lift at the MRT is crazy. I mean they don’t even need to walk anyway there is an escalator. Its like walking is for peasants or something.


Guten Tag! Willkommen in Taiwan,
Hallo aus Kaohsiung

Machen Sie sich keine allzu großen Sorgen, das werden Sie überleben

I think girls everywhere care more about clothes and how others look, more so if your younger or in a city like Kaohsiung

. That being said if you dress clean and neat you should should be fine. I think unkept is poor form or not being clean. You might be bigger, but if you look fit you should be fine too. In EU, they mention how thin we are, but them we think how tall and independent women are there. Bigger cities like Kaohsiung, Taipei, Taichung girls tend spend a lot more on clothes than Germans, but maybe more the shopping culture here that part of that, as might notice lots of stores in Taiwan cities.

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Also the option for nice attire is really limited in Taiwan with ultra high humidity and temperature.

It’s a lot easier to dress nice when it’s cool outside.


pro tip: avoid yoga pants!

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They’ll probably stare at you more for being with a Taiwanese guy (as a non-Taiwanese girl) than for any other reasons combined.
You will be/are an extreme outlier in statistics.


I mean I hardly see any western women in Taiwan who isn’t already married or comes with their boyfriend/fiancee. They tend to stay home it seems, only the guys venture out.