Instagram model, 23, charged with shooting and killing ex-boyfriend

man if taiwan had guns available easily like the USA, there would be a lot of this stuff happening on the rock.

She shot him 15 times in an argument.

and we worry about psycho shiaochie in taiwan? we will really be worried if they were armed with a gun

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i guess the moral of the story is to not date Instagramers.



how bout being married to one?

guess the moral is : be careful who you date.

some people are very violent even if they dont look it

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Yea…this is gonna need a thread title change. :smirk:

As for it being “American”, not. Real Americans ghost their SOs or break up by text, change FB status, announce on Twatter, etc.

Breaking up via killing is universal.

The problem and clickbait is they label like it has some connection to being an Instagram model.

It’s just a crazy person shooting another person.

And I’m sorry but it’s not dating American style WTF.


oh yeah should be “breaking up american style”


what wait you are saying shes not american? Let me re read where shes not american or are you making a judgement call?

OR are you saying that “real” Americans would just break up by text, change fb status announce on twatter…I would read “real” as “normal” .

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WOrst pinyin eva!


Wade Giles ?

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Tommy Giles.


WG would be hsiaochieh I think


I was disputing the title. :wink:

Yea she’s from Fl too. Don’t know if I want to be so quick to claim that even if the maps say so.

So you are saying it’s Not KAOSHIUNG ?

(Yeah I know it’s not but it should be )

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Eh we have daily killings of women here in Taiwan by ex boyfriends and stalkers. No guns needed.

Not as bad as 10 a day in the old country, but while psycho xiajies make your life a living hell, they rarely send you to meet your maker that often. Not even contract killings.

dont you agree tho its smoother if its written as Kaoshiung?

Shiaojie or Shiaojye is how I would spell it. I am a native Taiwanese Mandarin speaker and that’s what I think is the most natural-sounding way. No regard to pinyin or pingpong.

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Gaoshion is sufficient.

I like i prefer the old American GI version COW SHUNG

Better yet, Ta Kao.

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how bout the taiwanese which is better anyways as they mainly speak taiwanese in Ktown

GOH Hee Yong