Instant Pot Repair/Costco Returns Policy

I had to argue with them to get a fan fixed. They wanted to get me a new one, but I hate waste.


You mean they wanted you to buy a new one, or they wanted to replace it with a new one?

They wanted her to return it and buy a new one. She just wanted it fixed.

Replace with a new one. Free of charge. It was a matter of dust/cat hair which IMHO did not entail a new fan.

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The fact that you took it apart may void the warranty, even if it was after the fact.

I’d go to Shoppe/Ruten and try to find either parts or a second hand one, either beat up working or with a different problem, and swap parts.

Just be careful to not accidentally put in parts for the 220V version!

Just an update that Costco refunded me for this without flinching. I showed them photos of the error message and burnt circuit board, and they didn’t complain about me opening it up either.


But they wouldn’t have the purchase on their account record. So how does that work?

(Definitely a good thing that they refunded me, btw - I tried cooking rice the analog way last night and today - yesterday ended up way too mushy and today I forgot about my timer and turned the bottom into charcoal. :sweat_smile:)

You have to find the receipt too. Most people throw it away with the same trash.

No Dian Guo?

Nah, that went with my ex-girlfriend when she moved out, and my tiny Taiwanese kitchen and appetite for rice aren’t big enough to justify yet another appliance. :sweat_smile:

I way prefer the Instant Pot though anyway - it takes like 5 min cooking then 10 min pressure release, and it’s hard to mess up.

I just hate washing it. Easier to wash one bowl from a rice maker or dien guo. Do you have two sealing rings for salty and sweet? If I make a custard or something I can always taste the rosemary no matter how well the ring is washed.

Works awesome for pasta too. Perfectly done and no need to drain any water.

Now I mostly use mine for making roasts and stews much faster than a slow cooker would.

I did make some kind of upside down cake in it that I really liked. There were rice cooker directions for it too. I miss cooking things while recovering from my surgery. Basically doing nothing for three weeks sucks. I made pancakes one day and my sister threatened to blind my other eye. She takes good care of me and I’m grateful, but the style of food she cooks and buys is different from mine.

Yeah, the inner bowl is a bit irritating to wash, but that’s also the case with a rice cooker (IIRC). I’ve got the two sealing rings that come with the Instant Pot, but I don’t think I ever changed the ring on the one I just returned. That said, I don’t really cook any dessert-type things in there where some carryover flavor might bother me. So far I mostly just used it for genuine pressure cooking (pulled pork/chicken, ragu sauce, rice or rice-based dishes), sous vide (mostly pork tenderloin), and general steaming to warm things up. I haven’t tried making yogurt or custard or anything.

Yes they do. They keep a record of all purchases in Taiwan. Mine go back a long way. That’s why no receipt is needed. Just item number.

She was saying that some people pick half eaten Costco food from the garbage and then go back to get a refund. They dumpster divers wouldn’t have a record of purchase, would they?

You don’t need a purchase history or a membership if you have the receipt. You just say it was a gift.

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No. I didn’t.

I said people return half eaten bagel trays. But especially apples and fruits/veggies. Read local news. They shame these kind of folk regularly by posting their deeds.

When you line at the return desk, they ask for your card. They can see your purchases in your account. Then give you a refund/exchange.

Thankfully, I have rarely seen people dumpster diving in Taiwan but when they do, it is for recycling stuff they can sell, not food.

Not you. Read the thread again. I was replying to what @TaipAmy said. She is the ‘she’ I was referring to. I wouldn’t reply to you and write ‘she’

Either way, she, @TaipAmy explained that the dumpster divers would need to find the receipt too. Sorry for tagging you Amy.

I know that some people buy stuff and then return it, and it is on their account. They don’t need a receipt.


And used natural Christmas trees complaining that the needles fall off.