Interest in Ball Hockey in Taiwan?

Hi all, moved to Taiwan about a year ago and am missing hockey, bad. I’ve been looking into playing ice, but it seems you need to be in Taipei as the ice times are weeknights late, and I’m living in Hsinchu so it’s not possible. I’m curious how much interest there is in setting up weekend ball hockey somewhere? I wouldn’t mind organizing and am open to locations and or general interest. Cheers.

Update, there is a new setup in Zhubei, near Hsinchu, for an indoor gym rink… Looks amazing. Inquired about it and it can be set up regularly. Anyone want get something going?

Are they playing box there?

They opened up for indoor Roller Hockey. I asked the building manager about the details and it can be set up for ball or roller hockey. I’m gonna make a facebook group for this and if we get 10+ guys I can rent it out and get some ball / indoor roller going.

If you know more guys share the info!


Hi there, I am interested in playing here and hopefully get something going as well (utilize) this nice space and facility, any hockey going on (ball hockey specific), please contact me.

ya for sure, I’m not that well connected with the scene in TW but have been itching to play. Join the FB group and spread the word! If we get enough interest I can talk to the facility manager to set it up for some ball hockey.