Interesting cycling video bucket

I didn’t know where exactly to share this and then I realised that we could have a dedicate thread for those cycling related videos that maybe don’t fit in any existent thread and don’t deserve one either.

I stopped watching GCN long ago for it became boring to me (I loved the Matt & Si dynamic duo interactions and the fresher insights into cycling, but now there’s no Matt and everything became old and bullshit to me). But today I enjoyed this bit about marketing bullshit:

Enjoy it.


I really enjoy watching the videos of those two on their current Taiwan ride.

A very relaxed way of riding through the country and meeting them locals.


Funny. I think someone sent me a video of them.

Have watched all their Taiwan episodes so far, just skipped some of the CKS history lessons… :wink:

Great overview of Taipei from a fellow cyclist based out of Chiang Mai.

Matt Stephens did a Cafe Ride series for Sigma Sports that was very palatable. His interview style is very relaxed and it’s mostly not about cycling.

He did an episode with Pippa York which was very interesting, but quite deep and emotional at times. I can’t find it anymore, for some reason.

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