International Kids & Youth Mandarin Summer Camp in Taipei

International Kids & Youth Mandarin Summer Camp in Taipei

Target Students:
(1) Age 7-9 and 10-15 children who come back to Taiwan from overseas for vacation
(2) Age 7-9 and 10-15 children who are interested in learning Mandarin

Program Date:
(A) 2011 / 7 / 04 ~ 7 / 22
(B) 2011 / 7 / 25 ~ 8 / 12

Learning Content:
Mandarin Classes / Culture & physical courses / Elective Classes / Field Trips / After-school Aids on Schoolwork

TEL:886-2-27005858 EXT.8131~8136,,
ADD: 231 Chien-Kuo South Road, Section 2, Taipei 106