International Politics Forum Feedback (Part 1)

I resigned as moderator because… 1) I was tired of having my personal integrity challenged day in and day out by certain idiot posters, most recently Traveller. I have a bad temper, and when insulted (and I consider questions re my integrity an insult), I tend to hit back as hard as I can (I thought shut your stinking anus of a mouth was a very appropriate response to sphincter lips Traveller when he incessantly accused me of lacking impartiallity (as a moderator). This could have been avoided, IMO, had I some support from the administration in the IP Forum. The administration and the other mods frequently complimented my moderating style in the private forums, but it would have been very helpful, IMO, had the administration supported my impartiality in the IP Forum in response to certain recent posts accusing me of lacking impartiality (unless the administration actually felt that I did lack impartiality… but, then, why the support in the private forums?). Not only did I feel a lack of support, but on the day that I resigned, I felt actually undercut. The day BroonAle was posting his “knob” statements in different threads was in fact a work day. While I spend a lot of time on-line during work days, it takes longer to perform certain moderating functions than it does to merely post a reply. I might have floundered some of the “knob” posts eventually, but definitely not all of them. They were crude, no doubt… but they nonetheless constituted political speech, which I believe is deserving of a high level of protection. Moreover, I do not understand the complaints that such posts destroy or harm the integrity of the threads. How so? When you come to such a post, it takes about a half of a second to read it and then you go on to the next post. 2) Obviously, my notion of free speech differs substantially with that of the administration. I have nothing but respect for the administration, and I consider Forumosa to be an excellent website, as good as any I’ve ever seen and far better than most. But, I believe that political speech is worthy of a much higher level of protection than are most other types of speech. The administration has already indicated that the IP Forum will be moderated per the same standards as other forums. I think that’s a mistake, but reasonable minds may differ (and the administration’s opinion prevails, rightfully, over mine). Additionally, and this debate has already been hashed out… the administration and BFM have stated that no insults will be permitted. Well, I believe that sarcasm is an insult, in most cases, and is thus just as worthy of prohibition as a straight-on insult. Few agree with me on this issue. But, I cannot understand why it is acceptable to insult a poster provided the insult is clever and or civil in nature. I fail to see the logic in such reasoning. As I believe that the administration and moderators, whoever they are, will permit sarcasm and civil insults to stand, I will not post in this forum any longer. My temper is too bad and I do not tolerate sarcasm when I am engaging in substantive debate. If I think the sarcasm is off the mark, I will respond with a strait-on insult. Thus, I would quickly be banned from this forum. Why should I bother? Finally, 3) I do not believe the administration and some other mods were satisfied with my moderating.

That is precisely how I feel. It should be obvious from my statements in reply to certain of Big Fluffy Mall Guard’s posts (some direct and some indirect) regarding my moderating. I’m not at all happy about that.

I have two problems with that. 1)… singling out in this forum is wrong, as transgressions occur from all sides of the debate. Yet only one side ever complains. I guess its true, the squeeky wheel does get the grease. 2)… when questioned regarding his criticism of the poster he singled out, Big Fluffy Mall Guard could not defend his criticism.

I’m sure that the IP Forum will get back on its feet again soon. However, it will not be the type of forum in which I wish to participate. When initially asked to moderate this forum, I indicated that free speech was very important to me and that the only way I would accept the role of moderator was if I could allow free speech (per my notion thereof, naturally).

Also, and this has little to do with the administration or the moderators, but, I am fucking tired of debaing with certain morons who accuse me of “lying” when I disagree with them or with posters who will not reply to relevant questions in the course of debate. Let them post in the IP Forum without me.