[Brief salutation]
[Statement of opinion ending in exclamation and emoticon]
[Brief salutation]
[Statement of opinion ending in exclamation and emoticon]
[Inflamatory retort]
[Question OP’s intelligence]
[Snide dismissal]
[quote=“myury”][Brief salutation]
[Statement of opinion ending in exclamation and emoticon][/quote]
Bravo! :bravo: Well said and excellent supporting sources!
I will await the long winded semantic equivocators to post their pseudo-intellectual responses.
added: the wait was brief.
Can we make this a sticky so the rest of us, y’know, will know how to start an IP thread?
[Citation of relevant educational/employment background]
[Clever quotation attributed to famous and respected individual]
[Repetition of same question in relation to topic previously and emphatically discussed by “Jaboney”]
[Brief hint at inside joke followed by emoticon]
[Over-the-top and possibly alcohol-fueled ad hominem attack]
[Additional personal attack including obscenities; subsequently edited]