It seems as though an invasion of Panama is looming with the U.S. possibly going to invade and seize the Panama Canal.
It seems as though an invasion of Panama is looming with the U.S. possibly going to invade and seize the Panama Canal.
This is hyperventilation at it’s finest.
Until there’s actual talk of troop movements it’s all hot air.
Well, perhaps some U.S. soldiers from the 1989 invasion are still around and can help the new recruits.
5 posts were split to a new topic: From Panama
I am just waiting for Trump to say the word “invasion” with regards to Panama or Greenland. If the leaders of those countries keep rebuking him…who knows what he will say. I hope he just keeps this to a financial transaction instead of military action.
Nothing more is going to happen than making us look like a bunch of douchebags.
well douchebaggery is exactly what the American people voted for! Give 'em a chance.
Maybe we need a new Gaetz thread
who is “us” in this context?
Didn’t he win the “popular vote?”
The US.
Won’t be an invasion. It’s how negotiations are done. Claim that something is unfair so that the other party will sit down and talk. Trump has been right so many times. Maybe he’s right this time again.