Well…it had to happen…
Tehran — Actor and activist Sean Penn was captured by Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces in the Persian Gulf Friday while on a mission to rescue 15 British sailors and Marines. The White House is refusing to initiate any diplomatic or military efforts for his return.
“Although Mr. Penn is an American citizen, we will take no action to have him returned,” said White House spokesperson Alex Conant. “As far as we’re concerned, Mr. Penn is Iran’s problem now.”
Penn began his mission in the Persian Gulf last week on the same day Iran decided to release the captured British sailors and marines. He was riding in the same small boat he used to rescue people in New Orleans in 2005
“Sean was able to rescue thousands and thousands of people in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,” said his publicist Eric Bright. “He decided to get on his boat to go to Iran and save those British crew members. He’s just that kind of heroic man. Unfortunately, he was unaware that Iran had decided to let the sailors go just as he began his voyage in the Persian Gulf and crossed over into Iranian waters. We had no way of reaching him.”
“From what we understand, Mr. Penn has been blindfolded and is being isolated in cold stone cells,” said Conant, the White House spokesperson. “We would suggest that he should be bound and gagged, especially the gagged part, and we’re trying to get that message through a third party nation since we don’t make any direct contact with Iran.”
Penn has been a fierce critic of President Bush and the White House. Several weeks ago, he spoke at a town hall, antiwar meeting in Oakland, California, saying that President George W. Bush had “become our country’s and our Constitution’s most devastating enemy.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went on Iranian state television to talk about the capture of Penn, two weeks after the British sailors and marines were captured in the Persian Gulf.
“It is only come to our attention now that we are holding the great Jeff Spicoli,” said President Ahmadinejad. “I loved the scene where he ordered pizza in Mr. Hand’s classroom. This man is an icon.”
The realization that they’re holding Penn, a major critic of the Bush administration, may bode well for the actor.
“Our biggest fear at this point is that Iran may soon release Sean Penn,” said Conant. “We are currently attempting to pass a resolution through the U.N. Security Council threatening sanctions if they don’t hold him in custody and torture him.”
Asked about the situation, President Bush made a brief comment to reporters while heading to Marine One on the White House lawn.
“I can’t really talk about it right now,” said President Bush. “Although I can tell you that I really, really, really enjoyed the movie ‘Dead Man Walking’ where Sean is executed. I recently sent a copy to President Ahmadinejad as a gesture of international good will.”
Dateline Hollywood[/quote]
I thought sending the movie was a nice touch. Shows compassion.