An interesting article from the “Kuwait Times.” Puts a bit more perspective on things. Its a bit long, but well written. Goes into some detail about the economic improvements that are happening in Iraq.
[quote] Iraq on the right path
Generally speaking, the media worldwide report predominantly about the sensational, catastrophes, deaths, controversial statements by international personalities, wars, celebrity stories, gossip, rumours and the abnormal.
News about socio-economic success, development and progress is scantily tackled. A veteran German reporter told me this kind of news is boring for media consumers. People prefer the sensational. Hence, media providers fiercely compete to get hold of dramatic events. This is the kind of news that mesmerises people to the media. Commercial media, above all TV channels rejoice in reporting about wars and killing, the sooner the better. They rush to the scene of events and report live. “Thank God! At last something sensational is happening. Now we can make money (through commercials of course).” Commercial TV owners celebrate joyfully. Sensational events overshadow normal, ordinary, effective, humane achievements.
Had Mohammed Yunus not won this year’s Nobel Prize for peace, no body would have taken notice of his great Mini-Loan Bank in Bangladesh which helped eradicate poverty for seven million people. International media used to report almost only about floods and poverty from Bangladesh. Yunus’s work was ignored. It was not sensational enough. Commercial media live on the sensational, the weird, the bloody, the negative, the abnormal, and the controversial.
All this seems to apply to Iraq. We only hear and read bad news from Iraq: suicide and car bombs. Random killing, sabotage, and destruction are the only news we get from Iraq. Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General describes the situation in Iraq as “worse than a civil war.” Obviously he watches only CNN. But is Iraq really only killing and destruction?
An American businessman with links to major parts of Iraq told me another story of Iraq. While he admits that there is daily killing and destruction in Iraq, there is also construction, development, progress and freedom. Here are some of his facts: Slowly but steadily, “80 per cent of Iraqis are creeping (back) to (normal) life.”
“Um Qasr, in the southeast extremity of Iraq on the Persian Gulf” which was deserted by the spring of 2003 is back to normal. “It is back in business as a port with commercial and military functions. “Hundreds of families have returned - joining many more who have come from all over Iraq.”
“The boom in Um Qasr is part of a broader picture that also includes Basra, the sprawling metropolis of southern Iraq”
Very few media report about good news from Iraq. “Newsweek has just hailed the emergence of a booming market economy in Iraq as “the mother of all surprises,” noting “Iraqis are more optimistic about the future than most Americans are.” The reason, of course, is that Iraqis know what is going on in their country while Americans are fed a diet of exclusively negative reporting from Iraq.”
The growing dynamism of the Iraqi economy is reflected in the steady increase in the value of the national currency, the dinar, against the three currencies in direct competition with it in the Iraqi marketplace: the Iranian rial, the Kuwaiti dinar and the US dollar, since January 2006.”(more at link)
Kuwait Times[/quote]
Some good quotes and info in the article.