Is Clown Pepe a racist right-wing meme?

Even the lamestream media promotes this stuff.

Remember when CNN created its own Pepe KKK meme and then reported on in 2016?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


(Sigh) I miss Pedo-Bear. Those were more innocent times.

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I bet he misses you too. :wink:


Nothing will ever dethrone the guy who shouted PEPEEEEE during a hillary clinton rally before the 2016 elections.
The hero we needed & deserved.


He owes me some candy.

Do you owe him some sugar?

On the subject of white people:

In ancient Israel, there was a law stipulating that if someone had white spots on him he was a leper and an outcast until the white spread to cover his entire skin, at which point he could be readmitted into society.

It’s all about purity, which is all about distinctions, specifically about black-and-white thinking. We are fast approaching the day when everyone is a “racist.” And when that day comes, the pejorative will be without meaning.

So they knew about Mr. Yakub.

What happened to him? Did he commit suicide via two gunshots to the back of the head?
For me the hero though was the guy doing burnouts in an MX5 in from of protesters at a Trump rally

No idea, but I’m not sure I want to know. He could be on a Bestgore video, or maybe he was trying to get laid with a lefty girl and became a pussy-hat guy, maybe he jumped on the Yang wagon…
I prefer to remember him as a hero.

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The answer is yes and no. Racists try and co-op it, but it is mostly just used by non-racists as part of a trollish meme culture (largely trolling leftists).

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Trolls are the master race.

(But eventually the robots will rule us all.)

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Honkler the clown is a modern-day representation of the medieval fool – the only person who could speak inconvenient truths and mock obvious stupidity that others won’t call out.


Based and gympilled

You should take this opportunity to pitch your “deadlift” business proposal. :sunglasses:

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The only real law is what you can get away with.

Love is the law, love under will.

Clowns should not be politicized. That goes against anything we stand for, regardless of right, left, center, up or down.


I concur

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As long as you are real Clown …and have not culturally appropriated one of those oppressed clowns .:wink: I feel sorry for the “ground -level” clowns you are being superior to.