interesting BBC article…slow news day i guess…
I am not sure, but i have a sneakin’ feelin’ they called that upon themselves.
and another ginger question: why is there a predeliction among ginger families for the pastel colours pale green, pale blue, violet, lavender and that weird kind of orangey-puce for girl’s dresses. with sensible black shoes?
That’s a habit they picked up around the time they were constructing the pyramids. Something to do with the desert dirt or something.
Ginger is as ginger does.
Gingerly, that is…
Personally I don’t particularly like the term “ginger”. My hair is red not ginger.
But other than that, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Sure, I copped a bit of teasing as a kid, but no more than the fat kids, or the tall/short kids, or the nerdy kids, or the kids with braces on their teeth, or the kids with bad haircuts, or the Asian kids.
In fact, because I was good at most sports, which in Australia counts for a lot, I probably got teased less than a lot of others.
Storm in a teacup if you ask me.
And besides, everyone knows that redheads are the best lovers.
And besides, everyone knows that redheads are the best lovers.[/quote]
No, that’s gap-teethed people.
anti-gingite :raspberry:
Anti- gingarism is probably a bad idea, given their propensity to violence…
Indeed. Watch out for effluvium, or first line of defence.
Stout is a magnificent enabler of such.
And keep ye Saxon mitts outta the kooky jar, y’ken? :charliebrown:
I’m only demi-Sax…
Sorry, old bean.
It’s actually quite a nifty title.
But let’s think about Wales, and all it’s done for Britain.
A most fine example of the gingerly ones at work.
North Wales is one my fav. places.
Full of Ginger!
[quote=“cfimages”]Personally I don’t particularly like the term “ginger”. My hair is red not ginger.
But other than that, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Sure, I copped a bit of teasing as a kid, but no more than the fat kids, or the tall/short kids, or the nerdy kids, or the kids with braces on their teeth, or the kids with bad haircuts, or the Asian kids.
In fact, because I was good at most sports, which in Australia counts for a lot, I probably got teased less than a lot of others.
Storm in a teacup if you ask me.
And besides, everyone knows that redheads are the best lovers.[/quote]
It all boils down to bullies. As the article says most groups are protected under the law. So bullies look for someone else to pick on that is not protected. Basically if the person who looks different for any reason but also looks like he could kick the shite out of most people then he won’t be bullied. If he looks like he can’t fight back then he will be bullied.
This family were persecuted and that 11 year old boy was bullied so badly he tried to hang himself. A kid I knew up hanged himself from bullying, so it is a sensitive topic for me. I hate bullies. I don’t think there is anything funny about people calling this kid ginger this and that. Then even cementing is insecurity further by abusing his father and mother in front of him. If he had been of a different skin color or sexual orientation the cops could of done something.
My cousin has bright red hair and only got bullied once, but he sorted it out by punching the other kids nose, after the other kid kept going on and on at him and didn’t know when to stop. Personally I think it is disgusting that a kid of that age gets bullied so badly he tries to hang himself and nobody does anything. Disgraceful. I’m glad I don’t know the kid as I would find out what was going on and do something about it. Pretty damn disgusting that people bully a kid like that. The other story was about that female red headed reported in England that got harrassed on the tube. SHE WAS PREGNANT AS WELL. That is sick. Nobody does anything, damn amazing. I would of puched that f-cker out. He stands there hassling and abusing a pregnant woman and they all sit there like dodos. duh
Yeah sure all kids take some shit growing up but that is totally out of order. Those thugs need to get a taste of thier own medicine. People that bully like this are the same kind of scum that would bully black kids and Irish kids and Indian kids. I also don’t see the point of keep bringing this up on the forum. Would it be funny if a black or Asain kid was trying to hang himself from bullying ? The kid is 11.
Is it funny ?
It’s worse! We don’t have interest groups! Even moreso when youre the only gingerkid in the family, and spend your elementary years wondering what color the milkman’s hair was! Sure, everyone protects that black kid or that mexican kid or that asian kid, but nobody stands up for the gingerkid! Look, just because we don’t have souls doesn’t mean we aren’t people! Gingerkinds unite!!
I wouldn’t know anything about gingers, because I never talk to those freaks.
Oh for god’s sakes. Imagine being in a place like Brazil or the American South or Mexico or the Caribbean, where everybody is of a mixed race, whether they admit or not. And a lot, A LOT, of people are in denial.
I’m part black. I’m not ashamed to admit that, at all. A lot of people in my family try to hide that, however. It’s a pretty embarassing thing to them to be the descendent of runaway slaves. Anyway, the heritage shows itself in my hair, very obviously. If I let my hair grow out - and it’s the same as my mother’s hair growing out - it’s an AFRO. You want to know the half of the shit I got bullied about for having an AFRO as a white boy back in the school? No, you don’t.
I agree with Fenlander. It’s funny, but…it’s not funny if it really did happen to your or your loved ones. I don’t feel sorry for redheads, because…who in the hell genuinely hates redheads!!! That’s really fucked up. I understand hating people of different races and cultures, but hating people because of their hair color?! (I’m not saying I agree, but I can understand…those are two different things. I grew up in a town that was half black and white…and I could understand the difference, even if I didn’t agree with the racial divisions. But blonde vs. brunette? Gimme a break, Paris Hilton!)
Which part? I ony ask because I’m curious to know if your family are covering up or constantly telling you to put it away.
They just don’t admit that that part of our ancestry exists. They claim that she (my runaway slave ancestor) was actually an Iriquois Indian or something. Uh, American Indians didn’t have kinky hair like that, but…whatever. It was hundreds of years ago. I don’t really care that much myself. What I care about is the hypocrisy.
What is it with red-headed-rat-rooters, being good at sport?
You know, there are now commercial genetic testing companies that can tell you for certain whether you have African and/or Iriquois ancestors…
I have never heard of anti-redhead sentiment in the U.S. (and we don’t use the term “ginger” either, do we?), though I do believe these articles’ testimony that it exists in Britain and elsewhere. Could it have arisen from anti-Irish sentiment? Does that make sense?
I lived in the US for many years without ever hearing of any anti-redhead sentiment either, SJ. Nor have I ever heard the term “ginger” used in the US. My impression from the Wikipedia entry I read is that the term “ginger” (and anti-redhead sentiment generally) is primarily a British phenomenon. Who knows whether that is right or wrong.
Arguing to the contrary, I believe there was a South Park episode on the subject, so at least two Americans, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, had presumably heard of anti-redhead bias before.
Not sure about the anti-Irish origins, but it seems possible. Apparently Scots have the highest percentage of redheads in the world, but it seems likely that Irish wouldn’t be too far behind. shrug