i’m confused, is it? I work at home and I need to know whether to give myself the day off
just do it if the weather is nice in Hschinchu, if it’s crappy stay at home weather then do a bit and do something else.
I for one am stuck in an office, but various members of my family have the day off! Talk about lack of consistency!
but if you stay at home hold the day in lieu and take it when the sun’s shining
As I understand it the 1st is the holiday … which unfortunately landed on a Sunday this year. I’m at work … so that sucks.
The government left it up to discretion of private employers…usual cockamammie bs.
This morning I found the bank was closed but the tax office was open. The official status of the May Day holiday in Taiwan is very ambiguous.
The official holiday calendar is here: cpa.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=8356 … =319&mp=10
Today is not an official holiday.