Is it legal to operate a shop within a shipping container ?

If the container is no longer used as container it likely means the title for that container is scrapped. If you’re really afraid find out the registry number for it and look it up. Are you asking this because you’re being dinged by a previous owner, or you just want a peace of mind? Because if it’s scrapped then it’s sold as scrap metal or any other property, there’s not really a title for it. But as for whether it’s a legal building at all, you’re going to have to check with 建管局, but if it’s not a legal structure then it might be torn down.

This says container building is considered a temporary structure and must have a temporary building permit that is valid for 5 years. After this you must demolish it yourself.

You can make it a permanent structure but it must have had a building permit and must meet certain requirements. Different locales have different rules, you have to check with them. So really, you need to know what building permit the address has.

Do you have a lease contract with the landlord the containers sits on?

Thank you for your response and help :pray:. We signed a letter of acquisition for the price of 700k just want to make sure everything is legal

Yes but the landlord is a kind old man in his 70s, he doesn’t seem to be aware of the legal rights of the container shop and he have been paying for the property taxes for the previous tenants which I find it strange since he don’t own the container sho.p.

Don’t quote me, but the issue is probably more about you need an address/license for the building to be able to register a company there. Less so the construction material as the issuing of said license would have already either passed or denied the construction upon inspection and issuance.

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Property tax is levied no matter what. It’s for the land.

You should sort this stuff out before you sign the letter.

As for legal building, you need to know if the container has a temporary or permanent permit. If it has a temporary permit then the requirements are lax, just place the containers on the land and all that. If permanent it needs to meet certain requirement.

If it’s on temporary find out when it was laid, because once the time runs out, it must be removed or it’s an illegal structure.