Is it my Eurasian physical features?

I’m the same keeping weight. But diet is so important if you have a specific goal. I went into quarantine with a little beer belly. Changed to keto carnivore and do body weight exercises 3-4 times a week for 20-30min each. I’ve managed to get a light 6 pack again not even doing much working out. And I eat a lot. Probably 1kg of meat every day minimum a day. Been at it 3 months only.

I can’t wait to actually have access to a gym.

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Mine is flaky. For some reason Liliths also became flaky after meeting me. She said it was waxy before. Really strange.

Never hear about this earwax discussion.
What’s the thinking behind it?

I do that but if I Drink beer it’s not effective. If I cut back to zero or just a few beers I easily maintain or lose weight. Beer or weight loss… Beer or weight loss. One small can of beer is about 200 calories.
(Actually bread is bad as well but for me it’s More the amount of beer).

OP, if you drink sodas, cut all of them out now (if you want to lose any weight ). Drinking sweetened sodas causes so many problems in the US. Also burgers and potato chips. I’m guessing beer isn’t an issue for you.


I am trying to do some intermittent fasting. But someone told me it’s better for me to fast for 3 days at a time but there’s no way I can do this. Intermittent fasting is hard enough.

Spend half my life educating you…

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And your efforts are appreciated, space mammal!

Weird. Opens up a good research question.


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Idk who told you that because I doubt it’s some settled science. I fast for 16 most days because I don’t eat breakfast. I also don’t make it a big deal if I don’t.

I already don’t eat breakfast but it wasn’t enough. I have been trying to cut my portions in any way I can, but also because I’m really poor and can’t afford too much food.

Eat Keto carnivore. I pretty much eat as much as I want and drop fat easily without any effort.

IDK. Greasy so probably closer to the white people earwax

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Ah yes. I did inherit my father’s armpit musk

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Indeed. 500 calories from fruits/veggies is healthier than 500 calories from junk food. Plus the former is more filling while the latter makes you want more and more.

You’re fairly tall, so clearly you’re going to be heavier than most girls here, but what’s important is why you weigh 78kg.

If it’s mostly fat (and unless you’re built like a Russian shot-putter, I guess it’s not mostly muscle :slight_smile: ) then it’s time to start eating a more appropriate diet for your genetic background. Many Europeans can’t cope with carb-heavy diets, so if your parents are feeding you a “healthy” low-fat high-carb diet, this is most likely the reason you’re … um, unhealthy.

My mom feeds me rice, meat and veggies. She exercises and eats healthy and feeds me healthy foods so it can’t be what my mom’s giving to me but it’s whenever I get access to junk food. And I’m not upset that I’m heavier than the average girl my age since most of them are short. I’d probably be happy with my weight at 130-150 range but there’s even girls/ women I’ve seen that are taller than me and lighter too (No, I’m not talking about those stick thin model figures in magazines. I mean fit, healthy bods.)

So how can I lose 8-10 lbs a month with my only exercise being the little walks I take? What do I gotta eat diet wise? Also according to a calorie calculator I filled out, I’d have to consume less than 1,200 cal. Yikes. Can’t do that.

People have a lot of funny ideas about what’s healthy. For example, there’s nothing wrong with rice per se, but individuals have wildly different capacities for dealing with it. Your mom happens to have the Asian ability to store and recycle it efficiently. You probably don’t. You desire junk food because the metabolic pathways for carbohydrate metabolism are starting to fail.

Even if you’re not worried about being overweight right now, it will become a big problem when you hit your 20s - it may start to evolve into related health issues like Type 2 diabetes, or you may progress from just “a bit large” to “obese”. I would suggest cutting back drastically on the starches (eat more of the other things instead - veg, meat, eggs, whatever) simply for the sake of your general health and future happiness. If you do this, you’ll find that you have much less interest in soft drinks, burgers, etc., and you won’t need to exercise constant willpower to avoid them.

Take no notice of “calorie calculators” and calorie-based dieting. It’s utter nonsense.


I was going to say this. My body loves rice and it makes my muscle fill up when I eat it. It could also be contributed to that I have plenty of muscle to store glycogen. Asians seem to be able to not get fat off rice better.

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