Is it ok to laugh at midgets?

Is it ok to laugh at midgets?

  • Of course it’s ok. They’re midgets.
  • It’s not ok. They may not have stature, but they have feelings.
  • I’m not sure. It’s a complex question.

0 voters

I like midgets.
They’re just like real people, only smaller.
They always put a smile on my face and a chuckle in my throat when I see them.
Is this ok?
According to my girlfriend, this makes me uncivilized and a horrible human being in general.
What say ye?

Yeah, I dunno. Just happy I aint a midget.

The examples you show are of entertainers. I think it’s ok to find entertainers amusing, no matter what the reason.

Laugh at someone’s kid because they’ve got skeletal dysplasia, and you’d earn yourself a punch in the eye, probably. It’s not a serious question, is it?

As serious as ginger mingers. :wink:

I’ve got a friend who’s a midget. I’ve known him since he was little.

I don’t know why, but that just cracked me up. Thanks!!!

The midgets rasslers you show feature Sky Low Low, in the front. He was ripped. He also carried around a rassler by the name of Gorilla Monsoon on his shoulders, and was probably, pound for pound they say, the strongest prorassler…ever. Oh, Gorilla weighed in at over 400 pounds at the time and was about 6’8".

Sucks that fetuses are aborted when they are discovered being midgets in some places these days.

In Taiwan, at Fu Jen university I ran into an aboriginal midget. Hurt my knee. :wink:

Yea, but midgets are usually entertainers because of their stature, right? They’re making a living in a career they’ve been pigeon-holed into, because people find their stature amusing. People laugh at midgets, so midgets oblige them and entertain them. Isn’t it comparable to black folks putting on minstrel shows so whitey can laugh at them funny neeegroes?

[quote]The minstrel show, or minstrelsy, was an American entertainment consisting of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, performed by white people in blackface or, especially after the American Civil War, African Americans in blackface. Minstrel shows portrayed and lampooned blacks in stereotypical and often disparaging ways: as ignorant, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, joyous, and musical. . . As African Americans began to score legal and social victories against racism and to successfully assert political power, minstrelsy lost popularity. . .

Most minstrels projected a greatly romanticized and exaggerated image of black life with cheerful, simple slaves always ready to sing and dance and to please their masters. . . The lyrics and dialogue were generally racist, satiric, and largely white in origin. Songs about slaves yearning to return to their masters were plentiful. The message was clear: do not worry about the slaves; they are happy with their lot in life. . .

Popular entertainment perpetuated the racist stereotype of the uneducated, ever-cheerful, and highly musical black well into the 1950s. . .

Meanwhile, African American actors were limited to the same old minstrel-defined roles for years to come and by playing them, made them more believable to white audiences. . .[/quote]

Sounds like midgets, no?

I was in Phnom Phen once when I saw a large crowd gathered beside the river and I approached to see what they were watching. It was a boxing match and other entertainment between two midgets and everyone was laughing hilariously to see the crazy antics of those funny little men. I admit, it seemed exploitive and I felt a little guilty laughing.

On the other hand, when Dorothy first lands in Oz and the movie bursts into technacolor and she’s surrounded by the singing and dancing midgets (ding dong the witch is dead, etc), THAT is one of the fantastic moments in movie history and is terrific entertainment. Good songs, good choreography, good talent, I definitely enjoy that scene, and yet that too just seems a little wrong.

And what about Dwarf Tossing? Is that good entertainment? (Not being judgmental, just asking).

Never get drunk with an angry midget.

Trust me on this one.

I don’t know why, but that just cracked me up. Thanks!!![/quote]

Ah ya, thats why midgets are so funny tho isnt it - I mean theyre just little people, but is ther a difference between midgets and dwarves?

One being a direct but shrunk down version of a “normal sized person” and the other have disproportionatly sized arms/legs/head, more like a child

I think we should promote midget growth worldwide a true cure towards overconsumption and global warming - little green midgets hurrah!

And then there’s the whole category of midget porn: … gle+Search

What’s that all about? :ponder:

Laugh with them, but definitely not AT them. How would you like to be laughed at because of your stature, or something else about your appearance?

That’s sound advice, especially if you happen to be in the Hobbit House in Manilla.

[quote]Hobbitt House
1801 Mabini Street
Ermita, Manila

This Manila institution is one of the most unique bar experiences you will ever come across. All of the waiters and service staff are midgets (or little people). Located downtown near Manila Bay, the Hobbitt House also offers some of the best music in the city, especially if you are looking for homegrown sounds. [/quote]

Then again, I refer you back to TC’s wiser suggestion. I can’t help feeling he’s had one too many hard nights at the Hobbit.


What about midget ginger mingers…surely thats a yes :s

British dwarf’s penis gets stuck to hoover

Try to read this and not laugh.
I dare you.

[quote] EDINBURGH (AFP) - A dwarf performer at the Edinburgh fringe festival had to be rushed to hospital after his penis got stuck to a vacuum cleaner during an act that went horribly awry.

Daniel Blackner, or “Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf”, was due to perform at the Circus of Horrors at the festival known for its oddball, offbeat performances.

The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment.

The attachment broke before the performance and Blackner tried to fix it using extra-strong glue, but unfortunately only let it dry for 20 seconds instead of the 20 minutes required.

He then joined it directly to his organ. The end result? A solid attachment, laughter, mortification and … hospitalisation.

“It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed AE with a vacuum attached to me,” Blackner said.

“I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short-lived.”[/quote]

OK I read it and didn’t laugh. Do I get a prize now?

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]And then there’s the whole category of midget porn: … gle+Search

What’s that all about? :ponder:[/quote]

It’s for people who like quickies.

I knew a guy in Australia for many years, who got in trouble for dwarf throwing. The Queensland govt forbade him to operate his company in the state, saying it was disrespecctful to little people. He countered saying it was all in good fun, everyone involved enjoyed it, and it was as much a tradtional part of the outback entertainment industry (that made life somewhat more bearable stuck out in the channel country and the mining towns and cattle stations out that way) as was, say, tent boxing and cattle muster festivals (round-ups). He still lost his licence, and had to come back to Sydney where the pickings were not so good.

Funny thing was, he was a dwarf himself, as were all the other people in his company… The govt had shut down about the only profitable job opportunity he had found, and cast about 12 people onto the unemployment lines, citing “discrimination against dwarves”.

He came back to work at the Opera House as a stage hand. He made occasional extra money in TV ads: If you remember the Gobbledok, adverts for Smiths Crisps, that was him in the suit.

Like most dwarves, Stevie found it hard to get wrk in any place other than the entertainment industry. While they enjoy a good laugh, and most aren’t ashamed to laugh at themselves or their fellow dwarves in humourous situations of their own engineering, they don’t like people taking pity on them or laughing at them in ridicule. It is no wonder that almost every dwarf I have ever met, and that’s almost all in show biz, have been prodigious drug users and/or alcoholics. There’s a lot of hiding from the harsh reception they get from big people going on there.

Midget porn might also be good for midgets… ever thought about it from that angle?

[quote=“Josefus”]According to my girlfriend, this makes me uncivilized and a horrible human being in general.
What say ye?[/quote]
I say she’s right, and that I love being an uncivilized and horrible human being.