Is it possible to study education/comparative education?


First of all, I sincerely hope this is the right forum - haven’t found any better place to post that message…

I’ve visited MOE’s website but infornations seem to be out-dated, therefore I’m seeking help here. Does anyone know if it’s possible to study education and/or comparative education in Taiwan BUT in English-taught classes? I know students in Taipei usually go to Shi-da for that purpose, but classes are taught in Chinese and it’s absolutely out-of-question considering my poor Chinese ability.


It’s a great pity no one has responded to your question. It’s a question I would like an answer to myself. Perhaps the lack of anyone answering is an answer in itself.

Therefore, does this hold true? Catch-22 situation:

  1. Have 4 year bachelors degree - Can teach at bushiban.
  2. Want to teach at elementary, Junior or Senior high - Need B Ed, or HED (Higher Education Diploma)/PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education)
  3. Want to teach at Uni - Need MA or preferably Doctorate

Catch-22 is, you can’t do this through distance learning as the MOE doesn’t accept distance education certificates/diplomas/degrees. So, only possibility is to go home and do them, which may take anywhere from 1 to 4 years depending on what and how you’re studying. But, you have a decent job here (perhaps even a family, like me) and don’t really want to up and leave for two years.
But you also can’t study here (unless your Chinese is up to it?). So what to do? Be happy with bushiban until you die, or just bugger off for a year or two?

I’m all out of ideas. Anyone who can shed any light on this would be appreciated.