Is marriage a sacrifice?

doesn’t sound like a nice thing.


Then don’t get married?


Like a lamb to the sacrificial altar.

Or…I don’t know… get married but still take sensible precautions?


Indeed. A pal’s hubby literally put a gun to her head to get her to Taiwan. Once here took away her kids. No rights. Talk about sacrifice. For what?

And I can go on and on with horror stories. One sided sacrifice ain’t marriage, it’s abuse.

We do have a joke in Spanish: marriage is one virgin less and one more Christ. That’s as far as sacrifice goes.

I know I sound like a broken record but as a foreign woman with two decades here I have witnessed too much pain.


The less uncertainty the better in a marriage IMO. If anything having that resolved would lead to less stress.


You guys have your opinions and all, but this seems like one of those situations where the person giving the advice is just as important as the advice given. I’ve been happily married for 21 years. I doubt that single and/or divorced people would have the same opinion on this topic.


You can get married without putting yourself at someone else’s mercy, and sacrifice.


So you’ve been married for a while then?

Also, it’s hard to be truly happy in your life If you have never sacrificed for your family (wife and especially child)


I’d say if you have to sacrifice something, you are not ready for marriage or the marriage is not for you.


Okay, so there is a point in life when there are no sacrifices?
I would add that I disagree with you on the readiness point. Personally I think people are never ready for anything of importance in their lives since it’s hard to practice. Waiting for the right circumstances for me is silly. I’m more of a guy that wants to make them by trial and error. So far it works.


There’s always some sacrifice involved in marriage. Necessarily compromising on personal time, looking after kids, list goes on and on…


why it should be sacrifices.

Because you have to give up something you might want to do.
But life is full of these compromises.

The fact is to get something you have to sacrifice something else. There’s just no way around it sometimes . I learned that when I lost weight , beer lol.

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if you call choosing something over something else a sacrifice, life is full of sacrifices as you said. I agree. regardless of married or not.


If that’s an acceptable form of sacrifice in marriage (as in life), what would you consider an unacceptable form of sacrifice in marriage?

Your autonomy for your life?

Oh, well, selling yourself into slavery is a bit extreme (for westerners in this century at least). But yeah, I suppose that would count as unacceptable.

This thread was split from a discussion about whether or not real estate should be owned by both spouses or just one. In that context, speaking of sacrifice, I’m reminded of this.

Many people know Shakespeare’s version of the story, but it’s usually considered misogynistic or at least hopelessly old fashioned. In this rewrite of the story, if you make it all the way to the end, the infamous line about how

Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper

sounds very different. Any thoughts on that?

You people are weird. Have children. Compromise. Sacrifice.

I’ve never understood the need to procreate. Life is so much simpler (and cheaper) without expensive ankle-biters in tow.
Want unconditional love? Get a dog.